PLANSERVE - overview of an EU proposal for the “Future and Emerging Technologies” Program Lee McCluskey Artform Research Group The University of Huddersfield, UK
Interested Planet Members Establishment:LeaderSpecialism: University of Ulm. Prof. S Biundo Knowledge-based Planning Tools University of Brescia, Prof A Gerevini, Domain Analysis and Preprocessing Univ. Méditerranée Dr C. Pain-BarreDomain Model Analysis and Correction. University of Perugia Prof. A Milani Knowledge Engineering, Web Applications Open University, Dr M Garagnani, Domain Modelling and plan languages Charles University, Dr R Bartak, Formal modelling, constraint satisfaction UCIII Madrid, Prof. D Borrajom Machine Learning, Knowledge Acquisition TU Darmstadt, Dr U Scholz Domain Analysis Univ of Huddersfield Prof. T L McCluskeyKnowledge Engineering, Machine Learning University of GranadaDr L CastilloKnowledge-based Planning Tools University of SalfordProf. R AylettKnowledge Acquisition; Virtual Environments Aristotle University Dr I VlahavasDomain Analysis Marseille-LuminyDr C SchwindArchitectural Building Reconstruction Italy NRC Dr A CestaSpace Applications The Netherlands NALDr H.H. Hesselink Aerospace Applications, Knowledge Management COSYTEC SADr A. AggounHi-tech Tools Developer (CP Technology) Origin SADr T GrantAerospace Technology University of MacedoniaDr I RefanidisPlanning and Web technologies
Other Interested Establishments country: Spain establishment: ALECOP via consultant Gorka Artola of I-TEC country: Spain establishment: Telefonica Sara Carro Martmnez country: Belgium establishment: LabAge SPRL Dr Andri Renard country: Germany establishment: DAI-Labor Stefan Fricke
Aims The aim of this project is to research and develop the enabling technology that will make intelligent planning technology generally accessible to the user community, and to prototype this technology by the creation of intelligent planning services targeted at the semantic web. OBJECTIVES: (a) create prototypes of an online 'planning service' that is capable of solving planning problems from a wide range of applications domains; (b) create prototypes of an online knowledge engineering service, capable of helping a user to acculmulate sufficient input to effectively use (a)... Address the lack of Accessibility and Usability of the technology
GUARDED TRANSITION SEQUENCES Knowledge Engineering Service Planning Service PLANSERVE Planning Ontology Application Ontologies IR Agents Language Translators Planning Engine Library Configuration Generator Domain Analysis KA Interface Tools External Interface Initial Users Advanced Users
Feasibility Technology is maturing: Timely maturing of research areas: Semantic Web KE knowledge sharing and re-use: KBS KE maturing eg aspiration of re-useable knowledge to be fulfilled by the promise of Online Ontologies Planning language conventions Planning KE: Some prototype platforms for KA/KE planning emerging (eg GIPO II) -Planning engines: a good range available and a growing understanding of their application area Applications Opening Up: -With the interest in eg Intelligent Agents, E-science etc there is a strong requirement for easy access to our technology
Research / Development needed - research into Planning Ontology: including terms for describing the characteristics of domains, of plans, of actions etc - Web-based, knowledge-rich Domain Model Languages and Plan Languages need to be formulated and agreed, to be used as formats for knowledge interchange. -Application domain Planner correspondence -Planner configuration generator, architectures for multiple planner configurations -Ontology languages for typical application domains. -Research into re-using abstract descriptions of types of domains to act as templates for new domains - knowledge acquisition tools and methodologies - web infrastructure problems eg to do with the use of KES remotely
Input from commerce / industrial partners - example applications, - technology trials, evaluation, feedback, - knowledge of current technology, including related technologies and examples of the kinds of environment into which PLANSERVE may be embedded. - examples of 'conventional' processes in which PLANSERVE would provide assistance.
PLAN -Agree on a statement of objectives -Map out work required to organisations -Draw up and submit a 5 page FET application BY – end April 2003