Collaboration of BBSO/NST and SOT Haimin Wang Big Bear Solar Observatory 1. Six-station Global Full Disk Halpha Network –Large scale structure of flares and CMEs 2. New Near Infrared Imaging Magnetograph System—higher Zeeman Sensitivity and Deeper atmosphere meter New Solar Telescope—Higher Resolution with Adaptive Optics
Global High Resolution H Network ● The H-alpha (656.3 nm) network utilizes facilities at the Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO/NJIT) in California, the Kanzelhöhe Solar Observatory (KSO/Graz Univ.) in Austria, the Catania Astrophysical Observatory of (CAO/INAF) in Italy, Observatoire de Paris, Meudon in France, the Huairou Solar Observing Station (HSOS/NAOC) and the Yunnan Astronomical Observatory (YNAO) in China. Yunnan Huairou Catania Big Bear Meudon Kanzelhohe
Halpha Image BBSO Oct. 28, 2003
Example of science: Large-Scale Activities Associated with the 2003 October 29 X10 Flare Liu et al. 2006, ApJ, in press Future: Combining core field studies by SOT and large scale studies of Halpha
Coronal Dimming and Halpha remote brightening Very similar dimming areas in EUV and SXR The Hα remote brightenings are co-spatial with the large- scale dimmings
InfraRed Imaging Magnetograph (IRIM) of BBSO Big Bear Solar Observatory New Jersey Institute of Technology 12 Oct 2005 Why do we need IRIM? How does IRIM work? What did IRIM bring us? Which direction should IRIM go in the next?
Specification Wavelength Range: 1 ~ 1.6 m ( Fe I m and Fe I m ) Wavelength Range: 1 ~ 1.6 m ( Fe I m and Fe I m ) Field of View: ~ 170” × 170” Field of View: ~ 170” × 170” Main components: Main components: ► Fabry-Perot Etalon ► Fabry-Perot Etalon ► Birefringent Lyot Filter ► Polarization Analyzer ► Rockwell HgCdTe CMOS Camera High Spatial Resolution: close to diffraction limit High Spatial Resolution: close to diffraction limit High Temporal Resolution: < 1 min High Temporal Resolution: < 1 min Moderate Spectral Resolution: λ /δ λ ~ 10 5 High Throughput: > 35 % for polarized light High Throughput: > 35 % for polarized light High Zeeman Sensitivity: V / I ~ High Zeeman Sensitivity: V / I ~ X Y λ Infrared Imaging Magnetograph of BBSO 12 oct 2005
Principle IRIM = Fabry-Perot + Birefringent Lyot Filter + Interference Filter IRIM = Fabry-Perot + Birefringent Lyot Filter + Interference Filter Infrared Imaging Magnetograph of BBSO 12 oct 2005
Diffraction Limited Polarimetry Analytic solution of transfer equation for polarized radiation of Stokes V in a Milne-Eddington atmosphere based on Unno and Rachkovsky Infrared Imaging Magnetograph of BBSO 12 oct 2005
Science Case: Evolution of Magnetic Fields associated with flares Before FlareAfter Flare
Very Critical: SOT produces Vector magnetograms with cadence of 1 minute
The 1.6 m NST World’s largest aperture solar telescope before ATST World’s largest aperture solar telescope before ATST Off–axis telescope Off–axis telescope BBSO has sustained periods of good seeing with R0>7cm that AO requires BBSO has sustained periods of good seeing with R0>7cm that AO requires First light middle 2007 First light middle 2007 PM –UA Mirror Lab, almost done PM –UA Mirror Lab, almost done Secondary-- SORL, almost done Secondary-- SORL, almost done OSS-- DFM, May 2007 OSS-- DFM, May 2007 New 5/8 dome, MFG Ratech, installed New 5/8 dome, MFG Ratech, installed
Some NST Details 1.6 m clear aperture (1.7m blank) 1.6 m clear aperture (1.7m blank) Gregorian plus two flat mirrors Gregorian plus two flat mirrors Primary: f/# 2.4, 4.1 m telescope length, /30 surface quality, <10 Å μ–roughness, and blank of Zerodur with CTE of 0.0±1.0 per °C Primary: f/# 2.4, 4.1 m telescope length, /30 surface quality, <10 Å μ–roughness, and blank of Zerodur with CTE of 0.0±1.0 per °C Adaptive Optics (AO) and active optics Adaptive Optics (AO) and active optics 0.39–1.6 μm w/AO and >0.39 w/o AO 0.39–1.6 μm w/AO and >0.39 w/o AO FOV: 180” in optical labs or 1/2° in prime focus FOV: 180” in optical labs or 1/2° in prime focus Real–time telescope alignment Real–time telescope alignment Polarization and calibration optics after M2 Polarization and calibration optics after M2 Thermal control of mirrors ( 0.3 °C), incl. airknive use ATST and SOAR studies Thermal control of mirrors ( 0.3 °C), incl. airknive use ATST and SOAR studies Diffraction limit: 0.5 μm and 1.56 μm Diffraction limit: 0.5 μm and 1.56 μm
NST 1.7 primary surface error on 1/6/06 Approximate 1.6 m clear aperture 36 nm rms surface error Full 1.7 m aperture 40 nm rms surface error Alignment aberrations (astigmatism and coma) and flexible bending modes (trefoil and quadrafoil) have been removed. Full aperture includes spurious data around right half of perimeter due to imperfect correction of image distortion. Fiducial markers on test optics that cause artifacts (semi-regular grid of spots) will be removed for final measurements. nm surface
Adaptive Optics, Currently AO-96, proposed: AO-349
Summary ( Collaboration with SOT ) 1.Six-station Global Full Disk Halpha Network – Large scale structure of flares and CMEs 2.New Near Infrared Imaging Magnetograph System—Higher Zeeman Sensitivity and Deeper atmosphere meter New Solar Telescope—Higher Resolution with Adaptive Optics