Bring up the graph you want to copy. Click on the Format this page for printing icon. A new window without the left navigation or header information will appear.
When you format for printing the confidence intervals are visible. If you do not want the confidence intervals then skip the format for printing step.
When you have the graph on your screen hit the Print Screen button. Usually it is on the top row of keys near the number pad. By hitting the Print Screen button you save a copy of whatever is currently on your screen. You can also use the Alt + Print Screen button to save only the active window.
Open PowerPoint and choose Edit, Paste. The image of your screen will be inserted as a picture.
To crop the picture to include only the parts you want choose Format, Picture and enter the amount to crop. You can crop some and then go back and crop more or less until it looks right.
After you are done cropping position the picture and you are done. You may include as much or as little of the screen shot as you want. Here we retained the data sources and the title.