CIRCLE-2 ERA-Net Progress and update on activities 5 th EIONET workshop on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation Date: 30 June - 1 July, 2011 Venue: EEA, Copenhagen, Denmark Tiago Capela Lourenço CIRCLE-2 Coordination Faculty of Sciences - Univ. Lisbon, Portugal
Background - FFCUL CIRCLE-2 snapshot, objectives and work plan Status and overview of activities Climate Adaptation InfoBase Potential contributions to EEA/EU key activities Outline 2
Foundation FCUL / CCIAM Research Group Ranked “Very Good” by FCT CIRCLE-2 Coordination Partner in the EEA/ETC-CCA EU projects (CIRCE, 2-FUN, …) CC reference centre PT: Integrated Adaptation research Downscaling and modelling National/local: Water utilities; municipalities; insurance; biodiversity; coastal zones; spatial planning; tourism; flood risk Policy support (National Adaptation Strategy) Foundation FCUL / CCIAM Research Group Ranked “Very Good” by FCT CIRCLE-2 Coordination Partner in the EEA/ETC-CCA EU projects (CIRCE, 2-FUN, …) CC reference centre PT: Integrated Adaptation research Downscaling and modelling National/local: Water utilities; municipalities; insurance; biodiversity; coastal zones; spatial planning; tourism; flood risk Policy support (National Adaptation Strategy) Background - FFCUL
European Network of 34 institutions from 23 countries committed to fund and share knowledge on Climate Adaptation research. EU Financial Contribution: € 2 million Duration: 4 years (May April2014) Officer: Wolfram Schrimpf, DG RTD Coordination: FFCUL, Portugal Web: CIRCLE-2 Overview Climate Impact Research and Response Coordination for a Larger Europe 4
CIRCLE-2 History 5 CIRCLE-2 represents 7-year experience within the EU and MS Adaptation research landscape 1 st year
1.Coordinate European transnational research funding on Climate Adaptation (including Impacts and Vulnerability) 2.Facilitate the transfer of research outcomes necessary to design effective and economically efficient Adaptation strategies and initiatives 3.Share experiences and knowledge on Climate Adaptation research and on national / local Adaptation practices 4.Encourage international cooperation and involvement of countries with less diverse research programmes and non- European countries CIRCLE-2 Vision Vision Vision (Description of Work) 6
CIRCLE-2 Work plan SMHI (Sweden) + KvK (Netherlands) EAA (Austria) + CMCC (Italy) MEDDM (France) + MICINN (Spain) FFCUL (Portugal)
DESIGN FUND SHARE Thanks to David Avelar (FFCUL/CIRCLE-2) Status and overview of activities Lessons Identify needs/gaps Adaptation Research Agenda Joint Programming Lessons Sub-networks Joint Initiatives Joint Calls for research Workshop Series Identify users & needs (Science-Policy Interface ) Transfer research knowledge 8
Common Climate Adaptation Research Agenda Climate Adaptation Workshop Series Joint initiatives 2 WS per year (potentially more!) Adaptation research & policy topics: - Uncertainties; NAS; Data users; Extreme events; Forests, Mountains, … Identification of areas of interest for partners Support Joint Programming Initiatives 3 Joint Calls, 15 projects funded since 2007 New joint initiatives being explored (e.g. joint calls, research schools, networks, …) Status and overview of activities
CIRCLE-2 Policy Briefs Workshop & Conference proceedings Other activities Conf. Deltas in times of climate change WS Climate data user needs CIRCLE.2.MED Final Seminar CIRCLE.2.MOUNT Kick off #1 - "COMMUNICATE UNCERTAINTIES”COMMUNICATE UNCERTAINTIES #2 - “Adaptation research on MOUNTAIN Areas”Adaptation research on MOUNTAIN Areas Communication and outreach “Bazaar” of adaptation info (news, events, …) Climate Adaptation InfoBase Status and overview of activities
Climate Adaptation InfoBase CIRCLE-1 identified the need of a database of adaptation research projects at national/local level in Europe; This DB was never made public because of project end; It served as initial driver for the development of the Adaptation Research InfoBase; EU White Paper process and CHM made this pool of information at national/local level even more relevant because of scale issues; E.g. knowledge at national level is needed (and exists) for both decision-makers and researchers. 11
CIRCLE-2 Adaptation Research InfoBase: 12 Launched: May 2011 Launched: May 2011
Climate Adaptation InfoBase 13 Filling in with two phases: 1.Updating, correcting and tagging information of already included projects (i.e. CIRCLE-1 Database) - Until 15 July 2.Uploading (in bulk) other relevant projects in each countries - From until end of year Further updating until 2014 (end CIRCLE-2): Living InfoBase Long-term pool of knowledge (10 years!)
CIRCLE-2 Adaptation Research InfoBase: 14 Launched: May 2011 Launched: May 2011 Under Revision Phase 1
Climate Adaptation InfoBase 15 Some features: Research and applied projects (National/CIRCLE) Links to project’s outcomes (taking stock of results) PDF printable info Advanced search: Cross-search (and) Wide-search (or) Open-access QC/QA involving all CIRCLE-2 members (country-specific adaptation definitions)
Climate Adaptation InfoBase Addresses the “scale issue” Direct access to national + transnational information Bottom-up approach Comprehensive definition of Adaptation (no one-size-fits- all approach to country needs) Huge potential for clustering and analysis of activities: Info by country, sector and/or categories Funding information (ERA relevant) Users identification 16
Phase 1 Countries Activity? nº hits (updated) Austria 23 Belgium France 19 Germany 33 Hungary Ireland 10 Israel 2 Italy Netherlands 48 Norway Portugal Spain Sweden 9 UK 2 Finland* 31 Known difficulties: Online and clear development so “errors” are visible and can undermine trust in the info; Huge task to collect and tag projects and info; QC/QA burdens both partners and coordination; Number projects /per country; Language, time-consuming, post-processing analysis, etc… 17 Climate Adaptation InfoBase
Potential contributions to EEA/EU key activities 18 ETC/CCA participation WS / Policy Briefs / Networking capability CHM support (task ) - InfoBase User definition / experience with difficulties White Paper framework Funded transnational research Scale issues Other frameworks National Adaptation Strategies / Plans ERA development (e.g. Joint Programming)
Climate Adaptation InfoBase Connected to the CHM from the onset (“even when no CH was there to connect with”), e.g., Same sectors and categories as White Paper (tags) Coordination effort: FFCUL at WGKB, user groups, ETC/CCA, … Flexible IT development for (potential) future incorporation into CH Possible connection made easier if InfoBase is of interest to the CHM 19 Under discussion
Thank you for your attention! Tiago Capela Lourenço (Coordination) 20