Department of Computer Engineering College of Engineering An-Najah National University Prepared by : Saif Marwan & Osama Nabulsi Supervisor Name: Dr. Luai Malhis Academic Year: 2011 – 2012
Introduction Why This Project ??? Abstract Features Problems Implementation Recommendation Demo
Pens and paper are not very compatible with the technology. Managing information in handwritten forms and hard-copy documents remains an essential task for many businesses, but is often a slow, inefficient process. We will try to develop this idea to be compatible with more futures and multiple using with low cost.
A smart pen is an input device which captures the handwriting or brush strokes of a user. Converts handwritten analog information created using “IR Pen" into digital data, enabling the data to be utilized in various applications. The data can then be interpreted by handwriting software and used in different applications or just as graphics.
Extended Easily to interactive smart board by converting any surface into touch screen.
Smart pens are portable and reliable. Easy to use - low training and support costs. Efficient handheld data capture that is secure and traceable. Multiple use, that we can use smart pen as smart digital pen or smart board.
Support high capacity storage data memory. Reduced data entry - handwritten data is converted to text ready for processing in back office systems. As a result, our application with its features came to provide a core for other software applications depend on handwriting or controlling project using IR position.
Detect the smart pen position. IR sensor doesn’t exist as standalone device. Mismatch voltage compatibility between microcontroller and IR Camera. IR Camera give us messy data that wasn’t satisfying since the sampling rate was too slow to cope with the IR stimulus.
Stops sending data (freezes) after working for 2-3 minutes. File system in SD Card problem. Convert from IR Camera coordinates to screen coordinates and calibration issues.
Implementation IR sensor : o Extract the Wii IR camera.
o Interface Circuitry.
o built a bi-directional level shifter N-Channel MOSFET circuit converter.
Implementation of SD card circuit.
Configuration of XBee Wireless device.
Building IR Pen.
Software coding … Microcontroller code : o Initialize I²C Bus. o Initialize SPI Bus. o SD card initialization commands. o XBee initialization commands.
o Reading IR camera sensor. o Storing in SD card or sending by XBee wireless. C# application software : o SmartBoard Form. o SD card reader Form.
There are a huge number of applications can be implemented depending in our project such as : handwriting detecting, Signature capture supports proof of delivery or attendance, Customer, salesman, contractor … etc. Improve detecting speed with more accuracy.