Agency, version?, Date 2012 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Add CGMS agency logo here (in the slide master) Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Status report on the current and future satellite systems by JAXA Presented to CGMS-40 plenary session, agenda item [C.1 or C.2]
Agency, version?, Date 2012 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Add CGMS agency logo here (in the slide master) Overview - Planning of JAXA satellite systems Targets~ Disasters & Resources [Optical radiometer] MOS-1, ADEOS (87~95) (96~97) [Optical sensor, Synthetic Aperture Rader] JERS-1 (92~98) Climate Change Water Cycle [Precipitation Rader] PR (97~) [Microwave radiometer] MOS-1(87~95) ADEOS2/AMSR(2003 Climate Change [Optical radiometer] MOS-1, ADEOS (87~95) (96~97) ADEOS2/GLI [Cloud profiling radar] Greenhouse gases [Spectrometer] ADEOS/ILAS (96~97) ADEOS2/ILAS2 Phase A On orbit Extension Mission status [Land and Disaster monitoring] GPM/DPR Aqua/AMSR-E GCOM-C1/ SGLI [Vegetation, aerosol, cloud, SST, ocean color] [Cloud and Aerosol 3D structure] [CO 2, Methane] TRMM/PR GCOM-W1/ AMSR2 [Wind, SST, Water vapor] Phase B~ [Precipitation] [CO 2, Methane] GCOM-W2 GOSAT-2 ALOS-3 Optical ALOS-2 SAR ALOS/PALSAR ALOS/PRISM AVNIR2 ALOS "DAICHI" EarthCARE/CPR 250m, multi-angle, polarization GCOM-C2 GOSAT "IBUKI" TRMM Aqua
Agency, version?, Date 2012 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Add CGMS agency logo here (in the slide master) Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Slide: 3 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS JAXA currently operates GOSAT, Ibuki and GCOM-W1, Shizuku TRMM/PR is still working well. 15 th anniversary symposium will be held in Tokyo in this November. GOSAT was launched successfully on January 23, 2009, and has been operating properly since then. The data products are distributed through the GOSAT User Interface Gateway (GUIG). GCOM-W1 was launched on May 18, 2012 and entered into the A-train orbit on June 29, then has moved to the regular observation operation on August 10 as scheduled after completion of the initial functional verification. GCOM-W1 initial calibration and checkout are being performed. The observation results are being released through JAXA press releases and its website. CURRENT R&D SATELLITES
Agency, version?, Date 2012 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Add CGMS agency logo here (in the slide master) Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Slide: 4 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS The developments of ALOS-2, GPM/DPR, EarthCARE/CPR and GCOM-C1 are under way. Both ALOS-2 and GPM core satellite will be launched in JFY2013. The integration of DPR onto the GPM Core Observatory was successfully completed in May The fourth CEOS PC International Workshop was held in 10 November 2011 in Denver, U.S. The results of the workshop is uploaded to the CEOS PC web site operated by NASA. Both EarthCARE and GCOM-C1 are planned to be launched in JFY2015, but the launch date of the GCOM-C1 might be delay. FUTURE R&D SATELLITES
Agency, version?, Date 2012 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Add CGMS agency logo here (in the slide master) Thank you for your attention See you next year in Japan