Smart Car This project provides smart car assistance to the driver in taking smart and fast decision to avoid any accidental situations during driving. It also acknowledge the driver under certain panic situations. Theme: Transportation
Block Diagram: Power Supply High Range IR Sensor Detects Obstacle in front of the car Low Range IR Sensor Detects Obstacle around the car LCD Display Left Side Motor Right Side Motor Motor Driver Circuit Motor Speed Control Using PWM LED Indicator Buzzer Micro - controller CAMERA for Eye detection
Block Diagram: Micro - controller High Range IR Sensor Detects Obstacle in front of the car Low Range IR Sensor Detects Obstacle around the car Left Side Motor Right Side Motor CAMERA for Eye detection
Features: Provides smart breaking system on front obstacle detection. Provide smart assistance while lane changing or overtaking other vehicle Provides acknowledgement to drive if driver is slippeing by vibrating and buzzer. Provide smart vehicle on road position If vehicle goes off the road with out any input applied (due to driver fallen asleep).
No of Students: 03 Name of Students: (1) Davada Divyesh – 6 th sem, EC (2) Chetan Kharade– 6 th sem, EC (3) Sorathiya Gulab – 4 th sem, EC Faculty Mentor: Prof. Prashant Dadhania Mail id: