It was discovered in 1915 by Robert Innes, who was director of Union Observatory in Johannesburg, South Africa.
The name Proxima comes from a Latin word meaning “nearest” or “next to” because it’s the third closest to the sun.
Proxima Centarui is part of the triple star system and smaller than its partners Alpha Centarui A and Alpha Centarui B. its approx. one seventh the size of our sun.
If we were nearer like on Venus’ orbit the heat would have evaporated all our oceans, but if we were father the temperature would be too cold to support life.
Proxima Centarui’s flares are believed to be caused by a magnetic activity.
Even though Proxima Centarui is nearest to the sun it is still 4.2 light years away!
Proxima Centarui is smaller than our sun with a mass approx solar masses and a radius of only about solar radii.
Proxima Centauri’s apparent magnitude is and the absolute magnitude 15.5 Sun Video