University of California Davis
20min 30min 45min 1hour1hour 30min 0min 1min 2min 3min 10min Time evolution studies of metastable DPPC/PEG8S domains Pressure-area isotherm of DPPC/PEG8S Langmuir trough coupled to an imaging ellipsometer Lipid/Polymer Mixtures at Air/Water Interface
Alkyl chain (can also be Cholesterol) Poly(ethylene glycol) Trichlorosilane Gramicidin A FITC doped glass will fluoresce differently depending of changes in pH. pH sensitive copolymer expands and compresses as H+ pumps through the membrane via the gramicidin ion channel. Building Biosensors
Directed Assembly using Patterned Brushes and Composite Nanoparticles Polymer-coated nanoparticles patterned onto a gold surface General Scheme TEM image of polymer encapsulated nanoparticles Detail of RAFT-based tethering methodology CdS SiO 2
Neutron Surface Reflectivity of Dry and Solvated ATRP Grafted Polystyrene on Si and SiO 2 Wafers CA after ATRP initiator deposition : 71º GPC: M n = 11,000 g/mol, PDI = 1.11 CA after polymerization : 112º Evacuation/backfill port Krytox ® grease coated ground glass joint Surface platform Addition and sampling arm CuBr : CuBr 2 : Styrene : PMDETA : EbiB = 9.6 : 0.48 : 960 : 10.8 : 1 Si Si Brush compression vs. brush interdigitation Honey region Glue region Coffee region Bulk polymerization of styrene M n vs. time Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization (ATRP) Schematic Air PS SiO 2 Si Scattering length density vs. dry thickness ATRP of styrene “grafting from” Si wafer Polymerization reaction vessel Reflectivity plot PS brush thickness vs. M n
High-Efficiency Stepwise Contraction and Adsorption Nanolithography (h-SCAN) Statistical analysis of AFM image Peak width (nm) 1,855 ± (37.87) Valley width (nm) 1,979 ± (32.81) Peak height (nm) ± (7.804) Peak width (nm) 1,430 ± (35.33) Valley width (nm) 1,774 ± (31.28) Peak height (nm) 560 ± (16.6) Peak width (nm) ± (43.14) Valley width (nm) 1,498 ± (31.62) Peak height (nm) ± (30.26) Peak width (nm) ± (7.500) Valley width (nm) ± (5.670) Peak height (nm) ± (3.400) Statistical analysis of AFM image AFM image of mold C Diagram of the layers of a DL Blue-ray disc AFM image of BD-R AFM image of mold A AFM image of mold B Epoxy PDMS mold replication C
Erik Woodbury John Ell Rita El-khouri Jennifer Cash Prof. Timothy Patten