The International Development of RDA: Resource Description and Access Barbara B. Tillett, Ph.D. Chief, Policy & Standards Division, Library of Congress & Chair, Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA
2 What’s wrong with AACR2? Increasingly complex Lack of logical structure Mixing content and carrier data Hierarchical relationships missing Written before FRBR Not enough support for collocation Before Internet and well-formed metadata Anglo-American centric viewpoint Based on slide from Ann Chapman, UKOLN
International Conference on the Principles and Future Development of AACR Toronto, Canada JSC invited worldwide experts Issues leading to RDA Principles Content vs. carrier Seriality Internationalization
5 RDA based on IFLA’s international models and principles Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR; 1998) Functional Requirements for Authority Data (FRAD; 2009) Statement of International Cataloguing Principles (ICP; 2009)
6 General Principles (ICP) Convenience of user Representation Common usage Accuracy Sufficiency and necessity Significance Economy Consistency and Standardization Integration Defensible, not arbitrary If contradict, take a defensible, practical solution.
7 FRBR IFLA’s Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) User tasks –Find –Identify –Select –Obtain Entities, Relationships, Attributes Mandatory elements for a national level bibliographic record
8 IFLA - Principles, Conceptual models, ISBD/ISSN ONIX (Publishers) – types of content, media, carriers Dublin Core, IEEE/LOM, Semantic Web, W3C “Data Modeling Meeting” - London 2007 & 2012 RDA/MARC Working Group (MARBI) JSC Collaborations with Other Metadata Communities
9 Other Collaborations Law Library community –Treaties Hebraica and Religion Teams at LC –Bible proposals Mss/Archives experts at LC (Mss. Div., NUCMC, American Folklife Center, Rare Books) –DACS Music Division and Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Div., Music Library Association, Canadian Assoc. of Music Libs. –AMIM2 and Ch.6 proposals for music and sound recordings Prints & Photographs Division –CCO Geography and Map Division at LC
11 GOALS: RDA will be … A new standard for resource description and access Designed for the digital world Optimized for use as an online product Description and access of all resources All types of content and media Resulting records usable in the digital environment (Internet/Semantic Web, Web OPACs, etc.)
12 RDA – The Goals Rules should be easy to use and interpret Be applicable to an online, networked environment Provide effective bibliographic control for all types of media Encourage use beyond the library community Be compatible with other similar standards Have a logical structure based on internationally agreed principles Separate content and carrier data Examples – more of them, more appropriate slide Ann Chapman, UKOLN
14 RDA Toolkit Web Page
Translations of RDA German Spanish French Chinese Italian (others in the works: Portuguese, Finnish, Croatian, and more)
RDA Administration - CoP ALABL CLA CILIP LAC LC NLA British Library Library & Archives Canada Library of Congress National Library of Australia American Library Association Chartered Institutes of Library & Information Professionals Canadian Library Association Committee of Principals
Supporting Organizational Structure Committee of Principals Fund Trustees/ Publishers Joint Steering Committee ALA CC:DA ACOCBLCCCCILIP/BLLCDNB
JSC Membership Expanded JSC membership to DNB (2011+) Christine Frodl –First official proposal (on “Initial articles”) approved in Glasgow, Nov New JSC Secretary (2012+) Judy Kuhagen New JSC Chair (Nov ) Barbara Tillett
JSC in Glasgow, Nov Kevin Marsh (ACOC) Christine Frodl (DNB) John Attig (ALA) Barbara Tillett (LC) Deirdre Kiorgaard (ACOC) Marg Stewart (CCC/LAC) Gordon Dunsire (CILIP) Thurstan Young (past-JSC Sec) Alan Danskin (BL, JSC Chair in 2011)
Internationalization of JSC Membership JSC added DNB representative 2011 –substantial commitment to RDA already made by DNB –preparation of the German translation –announced its intention to implement RDA during 2013 Up to two further members to JSC within the next three years JSC recommends scheduling a fundamental review, to take place not later than end 2014, to establish a principled approach to participation in RDA development and JSC membership
JSC Activities Development & maintenance of RDA –RDA Toolkit content, mappings, examples –Element set & value vocabularies on the Open Metadata Registry Training & Outreach –Europe (EURIG), Asia, South America/Latin America, etc. Collaborations –RDA/ONIX Framework –ISBD/ISSN/FRBR –Music, Law, Religion, Archives communities Web site:
Continuous Improvements Review and improve instructions –Revise instructions carried forward from AACR2 –Goal: Well-formed metadata to describe resources/relationships and provide access Build on ICP, FRBR/FRAD –Example: April 2012 Update =135 RDA changes 78 “Proposals” 65 “Fast Track”
Changes to RDA - Process Proposals for new or changed content of the RDA instructions –People in the countries represented by JSC members Send written proposal to appropriate JSC constituency representative for those regions of the world (Germany, Australia, Canada, UK, US) –All others send proposals to the JSC Chair Proposals reviewed by JSC (annually for now) –Approved proposals entered into the RDA Toolkit in April or October
Corrections to Errors - Process RDA content corrections –Channel same as for proposals to JSC –JSC member checks with other JSC members to “Fast Track” –Once approved, corrections made to RDA Toolkit monthly (2 nd Tuesday each month) RDA Toolkit corrections, suggestions, and questions –Send to RDAToolkit “Support”: (
RDA Content questions Library of Congress
Any other business Contact the JSC Chair
Conclusions International participation in the creation and development of RDA International focus of the instructions – work in progress Multilingual tool