How does your media product represent particular social groups? Question 2
Gender Our film only portrays the male gender in the film. However the main characters is portrayed are not one of the most common gender stereotypes that you would find in the movies. Our main character is more of a weak, he stays out of the action and he is ment to be up him self. This breaks the stereotypes of the male in the media from what I could find, since they are ment to be big, strong and dominant. The other character in the film is a ment to be the comic relief character to contradict the other character and to create a bit of conflict between them. He is light hearted and means well.
Age The man who runs in and steals the camera is the age stereotype of the teen since he is a little bit of a thief since he is stealing the camera. He also is dresses like the stereotype of the chav which the baggy trousers and is old jacket so that he seems more threatening. This is a negative representation. The main characters is not like the teen you would think of since they are very much up him self or happy and tries well which is not like the emo, moody stereotype even counteracting it say that not all of teens are just lazy, aggressive and druggies.
Class The film does have different representations of people class. The main guy is ment to be upper class. This was shown though the fact that he was wearing the blazers and the smart jeans shown that he can afford the nicer types of clothes. Also the snobby personality adds to the upper class stereotype. The second main character is middle class shown from his dress sense. He is wearing a hoddie a bit to big. Also his personality represents the middle class since he is good hearted towards friends and family. The Robber is lower class shown through the fact that he steels the camera from them. The clothes are shows his class as well since they are quite cheap looking.
Race The main guy does not enforce the white man stereotype since he is not the hero and strong. He is more like the Asian stereotype since he is intelligent, nerdy and loving technology shown through his use of media terminology. The other main character is the white man stereotype since he is more heroic then the other man since he runs out and tackles the thief. But he is good and pure, generally doing what he thinks is right. The thief is also does not enforce the white man stereotype since he does steel the camera and dresses poorly which is the black man stereotype breaking the typical ethnicity in the media.