Blood type is based on the presence of 2 major antigens in RBC membranes-- A and B Whatever antigen you have present is your blood type Blood typeAntigenAntibody A A anti-B B B anti-A AB A&Bno anti body O Neither A or B anti-A and anti-B Antigen- protein on the surface of a RBC membrane Antibody- proteins made by lymphocytes in plasma which are made in response to the presence of antigens. They attack foreign antigens, which result in clumping (agglutination) They are found in the blood plasma & are always the opposite of the person’s antigens.
If antigens & antibodies of the same type combine, the RBC will clump together to form a clot which can clog arteries. When blood transfusions occur, it must be established that the antigens in the donor’s blood will not cause clumping in the recipient’s blood which can lead to death. Type O donors are universal donors because it contains no antigens so it won’t cause clumping. Type AB people are universal recipients because they have both kinds of antigens.
Antigens & Antibodies Blood Group Antigens on RBCs Antibodies in SerumGenotypes AAAnti-BAA or AO BBAnti-ABB or BO ABA and BNeitherAB ONeitherAnti-A and anti-BOO
Rh Factor and Pregnancy RH+ indicates protein RH- indicates no protein
Blood being tested Type AB (contains agglutinogens A and B; agglutinates with both sera) Type A (contains agglutinogen A; agglutinates with anti-A Type B (contains agglutinogen B; agglutinates with anti-B Type O (contains no agglutinogens; does not agglutinate with either serum) Serum Anti AAnti B