Table 1: Data Sample Set Data SampleCurrent (mA) Sample #PeakS.S A125A A127A A129A A131A A135A A139A Ave Ave of P & SS
Table 4.1: Overall Heat Transfer Overall Heat Transfer U (W/m 2 K) Table 4: Overall Heat Transfer U (W/m 2 *K) delta T (K)5 Table 4.2: Overall Heat Transfer U (W/m 2 *K)
Table 2: Properties of Elements Ethylene Glycol Polyproplylene (Beaker) Water K (W/m*K) H (W/m 2 K) Table 3.1: Beaker Dimensions Diameter6.8072cm thickness1mm Table 5: Heat Generated due to average current V (volt)I (current, A) P or Q (heat, W or J/s) ΔT (K) Table 6: Heat Generated with peak current Calc at Peak Initial T ( o C) (Solution) 65 V (volt)I (Current, A) P or Q (Heat W or J/s) T ( o peak Table 7: Heat Generated with Steady State current Calc at S.S Initial T ( o C) (Solution) 65 V (volt)I (Current, A) P or Q (Heat W or J/s) T ( o S.S Table 3.2: Beaker Dimensions dependent on volume of solution in a 250ml Beaker Volume (ml)height (cm)A (m2)
Table 3: Properties of Elements Ethylene Glycol Polyproplylene (Beaker) Water k h Utilizing the elemental propertie values, the Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient. [Reference] Forced Convection of water Thermal Conductivity Table 4: Overall Heat Transfer Overall Heat Transfer U (W/m 2 K)
Table 5: Heat Generated due to average current V (volt)I (current)P or Q (heat)ΔT (K) Table 5 illustrates the Heat Generated from the electrodes Applied an average of peak and steady state current use Ultimately calculate the temperature difference from Solution to coolant, to see how effective the water bath system is at cooling.
Table 6: Heat Generated with peak current Calc at Peak Initial T ( o C) (Solution) 65 V (volt)I (current)P or Q (heat) T ( o peak Table 7: Heat Generated with Steady State current Calc at S.S Initial T ( o C) (Solution) 65 V (volt)I (current) P or Q (heat) T ( o S.S Initial Temperature of solution was 65 Deg C Temperature was calculated with the Heat Transfer Equation (Previous Slide) Table 6 Heat Generated from the electrodes average peak current; calculated the T of the coolant Table 7 Heat Generated from the electrodes Average steady state current Calculated the T of the coolant
Table 9: Time needed for chiller to change temperature from Peak to Steady State Calc Time need for chiller V (volt)ΔTTime (s)Time (min) Table 8: Time for Chiller to change by 1 o C Chiller Transient Time time o C/s Table 8 illustrates the time required for the chiller to change the coolant temperature by 1 degree. Table 9 illustrates the time required for the chiller to translate from the peak heat generated to the steady state heat generated. These results provide vital information on what needs to be done with labview.
Table 2: Properties of Elements Ethylene Glycol Thermoconductive Plastic Wate r k (W/m*K) h (W/m 2 *K) Table 3: Beaker Dimensions (250ml) Diameter m Thickness0.001m Table 5: Tubing Diameter m Thickness m VoltCurrent (A)Power (J/s) Volume (ml)A (m2)Length of Coils (m)# of revolutions Heated Coil Tables