History and sales development Established in 1999. The company is licensed for wholesale and distribution of pharmaceutical products and consumer healthcare products Number of employees: 83 Implemented Quality Management System (ISO 9001:2008) in 2009 GDP implemented in 2013. certified in 2015.
History and sales development Distribution of portfolio (5.500 articles) is divided into the following product groups: domestic and imported pharmaceuticals domestic and imported OTC and dietetic products cosmetics medical devices and disposable materials From July 2013 we have put in use our new warehouse whit WMS optimised for: Reciving Goods, Control, Structure Stock and Monitoring Our new warehouse have 1.000 pallet places, 2 cold chambers with 12+24 pallets, automatized cooling and heating system, 24 hour temperature and humidity monitoring Private bonded warehouse with cold chamber and 200 pallet places
History and sales development
History and sales development Farmegra is constatly improving and optimising business processes During 2013 we have introduced Good Distribution Practice compliance in the field of medical products for human use, In 2009 we have introduced ISO 9001:2008 - Certificate in the field of distribution of pharmaceutical, medical, dietary and cosmetic products and representative activities
Organizational chart New organizational chart is introduced in May 2015
Agent / Exclusive distributor Importer and distributor Exclusivity business client overview Agent / Exclusive distributor Importer and distributor
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