1 Introducing LICs New Health Plan Jeevan Arogya
Special Attractions Maximum Number of days for HCB increased to 720 days Maximum Number of days for ICU increased to 360 days No of Surgeries in MSB increased to 140 MSB available for Minors also Addition of 140 Day Care Procedures (DCPB) All other Surgeries covered under Other Surgical Benefit (OSB) 2
Special Attractions Age at entry for PI and Spouse increased to 65 Years Age at entry for Parents and Parents-in-law is 75 Years Maximum Health cover for elders - up to 80 Yrs Premiums are guaranteed for 3 Yrs Optional Term Rider and Accident Benefit 3
Income Tax Rebate IT Rebate Under Section 80(D) available for Full Premium Paid 4
5 USP of LICs Jeevan Arogya Comprehensive Family Health plan: Covering entire family consisting of Husband Wife Dependent Children Dependent Parents of Husband and/or Wife
Entry age limits-LICs Jeevan Arogya Entry Age up to 65 yrs for Husband and wife. Entry Age up to 75 yrs for parents/in-laws Entry Age from 91 days to 17 years for children Risk cover Self, Spouse, Parents, in-laws : 80 Yrs Children : 25 Yrs
7 USP of LICs Jeevan Arogya A novel policy offering Multiple benefits: Hospital cash benefit (HCB). Major surgical benefit (MSB) Day Care Procedure Benefit(DCPB) Other Surgical Benefit(OSB)
8 USP of LICs Jeevan Arogya Other Benefits : Premium waiver benefit Ambulance expenses Quick cash Advance Payment No claim bonus Auto increase in HCB& MSB to take care of inflation with no increase in premium
Risk cover under LICs Jeevan Arogya Risk cover up to 4 lacs per insured Subject to overall limit of 10 lacs (All our Health Policies put togethor) Guaranteed renewal after every three yrs
HCB options for each Life Rs.1000/- per Day Rs.2000/- per Day Rs.3000/- per Day Rs.4000/- per Day
HCB limits for each Insured P.I As per his/her choice Spouse < or = P.I Children < or = Spouse / < or = P.I if no spouse Parents < or = Insured Spouse
12 HCB - Benefits at a glance HCB increases by 5% every year Up to1.5 times. Eg. Rs 1000/- after 1 Yr becomes Rs.1050 and in the 11 th Year becomes Rs.1500/-(Max) Hospitalization eligibility condition: Fraction of 4 Hours treated as a day First 28 hrs eligible for 1 day benefit First 24 hours No benefit Exception: When hospital stay exceeds continuous period of 6 days and 4 hours, HCB for 7 days (including First day also) will be allowed
13 HCB - Benefits at a glance Annual limit for each insured Maximum limit for each insured during entire policy term 1st policy year 30 days of hospitalization of which 15 days of ICU is allowed. subsequent years Each year- 90 days of hospitalization of which 45 days of ICU is allowed. 720 days. of which 360 days of ICU allowed
14 Hospital Cash Benefit( HCB) Fixed per day benefit to cover expenses on the event of hospitalization of insured members for sickness/accidental body injury. Benefit payout is fixed irrespective of actual expenses incurred.
Major Surgical Benefit (MSB) MSB = (HCB X 100) MSB risk cover limits do not include MSB of Plan 901 &
16 Major Surgical Benefit(MSB) A percentage of sum assured is paid in the event of insured members undergoing specified surgeries. Benefit is fixed irrespective of actual expenses incurred. Advantageous to the insured members MSB is available to all the insured including children for all ages
17 MSB- Benefits at a glance MSB allowed for 140 surgical procedures Annual Limit 100 times of HCB in a policy year (Min 1 Lac) Life time Limit 800 times of HCB during entire policy term (Min 8 Lacs)
Premium waiver benefit In the event of any insured undergoing major surgery under category I or 2 premium payable for one year from the next premium due date coinciding or following the date of surgery is waived 18
Day care procedure benefit(DCPB) DCPB = 5 X HCB 140 Listed day care procedures 3 Day care Procedures per year 24 Day care Procedures in Policy Life time 19
Other surgical benefit(OSB) OSB = 2 x HCB Any surgery other than MSB, DCPB surgeries At least 24 hours stay in Hospital is required Annual limit : 15 days in First policy year 45 days in each subsequent years Life time limit : 360 days per insured 20
Term Assurance Benefit Rider Minimum Term Assurance SA : Rs. 1,00,000 Maximum Term Assurance SA : Equal to initial MSB-SA (i.e.,100 X HCB ) Term Assurance SA - in multiples of Rs.25000/- 21 Minimum Entry Age18 Yrs completed Maximum Entry Age50 Yrs (NBD) Maximum age for cover60 Yrs (NBD) Maximum Term35 Years
Accident Benefit Rider This benefit is available only if Term Assurance Benefit rider is opted Minimum Benefit : Rs. 25,000 Maximum Benefit : Equal to initial MSB-SA ( i.e.,100 X HCB) AB Sum Assured shall be in multiples of Rs.5000/- 22 Minimum Entry Age18 Yrs completed Maximum Entry Age50 Yrs completed Maximum age for cover60 Yrs completed Maximum Term35 Years
Quick cash facility Advance amount to PI Cat I or Cat II Surgeries Hospitalized in a ‘Net work’ Hospital PI/relative informs LIC/TPA TPA processes request/advices LIC on payment LIC credits eligible amount to PI Bank account 23
Ambulance charges Rs. 1000/- reimbursed per insured towards Ambulance charges Ambulance charges incurred for transportation of the insured to undergo Major Surgeries under category 1 or 2 24
No claim Benefit During the period between two automatic renewal dates or From DOC to next Automatic renewal date, if there are no claims in respect of any insured, No claim Benefit is payable No claim benefit would be equal to 5% of initial Daily Benefit Effective from the immediately following automatic renewal date 25
26 USP of LICs Jeevan Arogya Premium rate may be reviewed for every 3 years If revised, the new rate corresponding to the age at entry of each insured will be the new premium
27 USP of LICs Jeevan Arogya Example PI takes a Policy in 2011 Age of PI in 2011 = 36 If premium revised in 2014 The new premium rate of PI will be the revised premium corresponding to age 36 in the new table.
Rebates available on Tabular premiums Mode Rebate Rebate for HCB Opted HlyYly 2000 HCB3000HCB4000HCB PIothersPIothersPIothers 1%2%Rs.500Rs.250Rs.1000Rs.500Rs.1500Rs
29 Addition of members Condition When to include The cover starts from Marriage/remarriage of the Principal Insured after DOC Within 1 Year from the date of marriage The following policy anniversary A Child born or Legally adopted child after DOC Health Cover starts from the policy anniversary falling immediately after the child completes 3 months Legally adopted child is more than 3 months old From the policy anniversary falling after date of adoption New members must be included by the Principal Insured only. No new members will be allowed after the death of the principal insured.
30 USP of LICs Jeevan Arogya Addition of newly eligible members during the currency of the policy. Fixed Benefit scheme: Benefit paid as opted irrespective of actual expenses for hospitalization and Surgeries Benefits are payable independent of payments received through mediclaim or any other health schemes.
31 The policy lapses… When premium is not paid within days of grace, the policy lapses and no benefits will be payable there after. Policy can be revived within 2 years from the date of first unpaid premium subject to payment of outstanding premiums with interest and underwriting.
32 The waiting Period for availing the benefits………………. 0 days for accident claims 90 days from the Date of Commencement for HCB & MSB 45 days after revival, if revived within 90 days from FUP of the policy. for Hospital Cash Benefit and Major Surgical Benefit 90 days if revived after 90 days from FU P
Things to remember: Since it is purely MEDICAL INSURANCE plan and premium does not have any saving element hence there is no maturity claim No Death claim under basic plan. Loan, surrender, assignment- n.a. Mode of payment- Yly, Hly, Mly(ECS only)
Underwriting NM(S) Age n.b.dUpto 45yrs46 to 50 SUC5 LAC4 LAC NM(G) Age n.b.dUPTO 35 yrs36 to 50 SUC5 LAC2 LAC
35 Nature of Benefit 1st Pol Year (Rs) 2nd Pol Year (Rs) Max. eligible During the Policy term (Rs) Hospital Cash Benefit (HCB) including ICU Benefit 45,0001,41,75016,20,000 Major Surgical Benefit (MSB) 1,00,0001,05,00012,00,000 Other Surgeries Benefit (OSB) 30,00094,50010,80,000 Day Care Procedure Benefit (DCPB) 15,00015,7501,80,000 Maximum Benefit under the policy per insured 40,80,000 Ambulance Charges incurred Rs.1000/- per insured per year Premium Waiver Benefit One Year Premium No Claim Benefit Increase in HCB by 5% Sample Benefit Illustration – for HCB 1000
36 Benefits during the policy term for a HCB of Rs.2000/- BenefitLICICICI Daily Hospital Cash Benefit (including. ICU benefit) 90,000 1 st yr 1,80,000/year 2,83,500 2 nd Yr Major Surgical Benefit80,000 to 2 lacs20,000 to 3 lacs Day care surgical Benefit30,000 1st yr--- Other surgical Benefit 60,000 1 st yr --- 1,89,000 2 nd yr Non surgical benefit--2000/day (Max8000) Recuperative benefit Prolonged stay benefit /day after 30days of Hospital stay Health check up benefit (Total for all insured in the pol term) Benefit comparision with ICICI prudential Hospital care II
37 Benefits during the policy term for a HCB of Rs.2000/- BenefitLICICICI Max per annum 3,61,000 1 st yr 8,00,000 6,84,000 2 nd Yr Benefits in the policy term 68,00,00040,00,000 Ambulance charges(extra) 1000/member/yr--- Additional Benefits PWB, AB rider, No such facilities Death Benefit rider Benefit comparision with ICICI prudential Hospital care II