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Presentation transcript:

A STUDY OF LEARNING PERFORMANCE OF E-LEARNING MATERIALS DESIGN WITH KNOWLEDGE MAPS Presenter: Teng-Chih Yang Professor: Ming-Puu Chen Date: 12/ 23/ 2009 Shaw, R. S. (2010). A study of learning performance of e-learning materials design with knowledge maps. Computers & Education, 54(1),

Introduction  Previous studies of knowledge maps, however, focus more on the effects of knowledge maps on traditional learning than on e- learning.  Knowledge maps have the advantages of simplifying the relational complexity of information and of structuralizing the information and knowledge.  Using knowledge maps could help present e-learning materials in a more structure manner so that readers can easily digest the learning materials.  It is important to study if the knowledge map-based materials design approach can improve a learner’s computer self-efficacy, learning performance and satisfaction level.

Theoretical background  The research of O’Donnell et al. (O’Donnell, Dansereau, & Hall, 2002): 1. Learners recall more central ideas when they learn from a knowledge map than when they learn from text. 2. Learners with low verbal ability or low prior knowledge often benefit the most regarding measures of recall from the presentation of information in a knowledge map. 3. Learners who use knowledge maps as supports when interacting with peers in cooperative learning environments learn more effectively. 4. Information presented in well-structured maps that are designed according to the gestalt principle is recalled better than when presented in less well-structured maps.

Research model

 H1: Knowledge map-based e-learning materials design is more effective than browse-based one on learning performance.  H1a: Knowledge map-based e-learning materials design is more effective than browse-based one on learning score.  H1b: Knowledge map-based e-learning materials design is more effective than browse-based one on learning satisfaction.  H2: Knowledge map-based e-learning materials design is more effective than browse-based one on computer self-efficacy.  H3: Computer self-efficacy has a significant positive effect on learning performance.  H3a: Computer self-efficacy has a significant positive effect on learning score.  H3b: Computer self-efficacy has a significant positive effect on learning satisfaction.

E-learning materials design- browse- based  Chen and Shaw (2006) indicated that software tools and application programming are suitable for e-learning.  Nickell and Pinto (1986) suggested that computer self-efficacy is positively associated with learning performance of SQL programming. Our research uses the core technology of SQL programming, ADO.NET, as the e-learning subject. ADO.NET browse-based e-learning materials

E-learning materials design with knowledge maps ADO.NET knowledge map-based e-learning materials. Operation and design of ADO.NET knowledge map-based e-learning materials.

Experimental design  175 t hird year undergraduate students majoring in Management Information Systems.  Have backgrounds in programming language.  After the pre/post-test and learning activities  76 students in the experimental group (knowledge map-based)  76 students in the control group (browse-based).

Data analysis-Pre-test  Pre-test questionnaire  No significant difference between the understanding toward ADO.NET for both group (F1, 150 = 0.003, P = > 0.05).  The reliability coefficients of Cronbach’s α in the post-test questionnaire.  computer self-efficacy & learning satisfaction 0.937

Data analysis-H1  H1: Knowledge map-based e-learning materials design is more effective than browse- based one on learning performance(learning score & learning satisfaction).

Data analysis-H2  H2: Knowledge map-based e-learning materials design is more effective than browse-based one on computer self-efficacy.

Data analysis-H3  H3: Computer self-efficacy has a significant positive effect on learning performance(learning score & learning satisfaction).

Discussion and conclusion  Individuals can employ knowledge mapping when designing e-learning materials to improve the learning performance and satisfaction.  if future e-learning materials can be constructed in knowledge maps, computer self-efficacy of learners can be increased, computer anxiety can be lowered and the sense of perceived ease of use can be improved indirectly.  The improved computer self-efficacy for knowledge map-based group is even more significantly not only related to learning performance of ADO.NET programming, but also extent to improve the learning performance of other software applications