NHS Employers - working with the healthcare science community Rachel Thresh Programme Lead 03 December 2013
Our objectives 1.Increase employers understanding of and capacity to develop the HCS workforce 2.Contribute to the promotion of HCS careers 3.Contribute to the implementation of MSC – expert advice on workforce and employment issues 4.Provide tools and information to assist with the implementation of MSC
National MSC developments Online latest news articles MSC quarterly wall chart Online newsletters
Sharing experiences and learning
Site visits
Share & learn network Forum to share local developments, challenges and opportunities
How we influence.. HCS Implementation Network Group National School Steering Group HEE Apprenticeship Steering Group MSC Trade Union Partnership Group MSC team meetings HCS Coding Information Group
Tools and resources MSC board briefing What do you know.....quiz Training pathways factsheet STEM Ambassador blog
Looking ahead.... Key activities: MSC ‘explaining the facts’ Review of Agenda for Change profiles for HCS Consultant Clinical Scientists New HCS workforce classification values 2014 Advancing Healthcare Awards Healthcare science week ( March 2014) Continue showcasing good practice & local implementation
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