ENTER The Clil4U project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
CommunityContent Competence Cognition Communication TOPIC PLANACTIVITIES LANGUAGE OF/FOR LEARNING
In this unit students will learn which animals live on a farm, their characteristics and their importance for human life Back to Overview
Introduction to: farm animals and their sounds names of the body parts of farm animals farm animal products Back to Overview
Students will learn: the names and some characteristics of farm animals the names of the body parts and the products of farm animals Key content words related to the topic will be introduced The Teacher will help students to understand the content using the TPR (Total Physical Response) approach See and scaffolding for more informationscaffolding Back to Overview
Learners will be using various Cognitive SkillsCognitive Skills and will develop both LOTS & HOTSLOTS & HOTS Recognizing different farm animals Comparing some farm animals (physical aspects) Recognizing animal products Understanding the importance of animal products for human nutrition Applying the knowledge to their everyday life See Bloom’s Wheel for cognitive learning tasksBloom’s Wheel Back to Overview
Learners will be able to: Classify farm animals Describe some characteristics of farm animals Interact with classmates and the teacher Work co-operatively
Back to Overview Students will be encouraged to: Respect animals, Nature and living things Understand the role of natural resources for human life Try out the importance of contact with Nature through personal experiences
Back to Overview RememberUnderstandApplyAnalyzeEvaluateCreate Higher Order Thinking Skills - HOTS Lower Order Thinking Skills - LOTS Back to CognitionLearning Behaviours
Back to OverviewBack to Cognition We have to remember a concept before we can understand it. We have to understand a concept before we can apply it. We have to be able to apply a concept before we analyze it. We have to analyze a concept before we can evaluate it. We have to remember, understand, apply, analyze, and evaluate a concept before we can create.
Bloom’s Wheel Back to Cognition Back to Overview