Adapting to Our Environments
Questions and Titles Adapting to Our Environments
Why did humans need to adapt? Modern humans migrated to new environments with different climates, plants, and animals They had to find plants to eat, animals to hunt, materials for tools and shelters.
Questions and Titles Adapting to Our Environments Why did humans need to adapt? Modern humans migrated to new environments with different climates, plants, and animals They had to find plants to eat, animals to hunt, materials for tools and shelters.
How did humans adapt to climate changes? They used animal skins to cover huts to keep out wind and snow They used bone needles to sew clothing from animal skins and furs. They kept fires burning day and night for warmth, cooking food, and scaring animals away.
Questions and Titles Adapting to Our Environments Why did humans need to adapt? Modern humans migrated to new environments with different climates, plants, and animals They had to find plants to eat, animals to hunt, materials for tools and shelters. How did humans adapt to climate changes? They used animal skins to cover huts to keep out wind and snow They used bone needles they sewed clothing from animal skins and furs. They kept fires burning day and night for warmth, cooking food, and scaring animals away.
Why did humans form communities? Hunters could work together to kill larger animals They could defend themselves from an attack They traded with other communities.
Questions and Titles Adapting to Our Environments Why did humans need to adapt? Modern humans migrated to new environments with different climates, plants, and animals They had to find plants to eat, animals to hunt, materials for tools and shelters. How did humans adapt to climate changes? They used animal skins to cover huts to keep out wind and snow They used bone needles they sewed clothing from animal skins and furs. They kept fires burning day and night for warmth, cooking food, and scaring animals away. Why did humans form communities? Hunters could work together to kill larger animals They could defend themselves from an attack They traded with other communities.
Summary Write a 4-5 sentence paragraph explaining the different ways humans adapted to new environments. Use your notes to find information. Begin with a topic sentence and use transition words. *Topic sentence – Modern humans adapted to new environments in many ways. *Transition words – First, Second, Next, Another example, Last, Finally.