Options Scenarios- Enhanced Inspection Program Input Sought from Stakeholders and Public New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission and Department of Environmental Protection
Introduction The New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC) and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) currently manage vehicle safety, vehicle emission, and data management systems to help provide safer vehicles and fewer exhaust emissions. The State of New Jersey has selected MACTEC as the contractor to conceptualize and research options to modify the overall vehicle inspection system or provide reasons why the existing system should remain unchanged. Public and Stakeholder input is sought before and at the 1/30/06 meeting to inform and enlighten the discussion.
Objectives To consider without bias several scenarios and assumptions. To obtain feedback on the enclosed discussion points in advance of and at the 1/30/06 Stakeholder Meeting.
DRAFT Preliminary Assumptions Both Safety inspections and Emissions inspections will be retained in some form. Based on EPA modeling and vehicle population distribution, dynamometer and tailpipe testing will eventually be eliminated. New Private Inspection Facility (PIF) equipment may at some point not require a dynamometer component. Existing PIF and Centralized Inspection Facility (CIF) equipment will eventually become obsolete. At different stages in the program, different facilities may conduct different emissions tests (OBD, dyne, tailpipe). Current Emission Repair Facility (ERF) and repair technician programs will remain the same for the short term but be evaluated for improvement. All inspector and repair technician training will be evaluated for improvement and automation. Emissions repair data capture will be improved. The new VID/software infrastructure will be flexible and scalable to allow for additional components in the future.
Draft Scenario- Private Inspection Facility Only Network- Assumes only PIFs are permitted to provide inspection services. No motorist choice. Equipment and VID provided by one contractor. Equipment may be paid for by sale or by transaction. Emissions test to include OBD, Gas Cap and tailpipe testing. Inspection fee may be capped. Safety Advisories may reduce retest inspections. State audits will be reviewed.
Draft Scenario- CIF Only Network-. Assume no private facilities and only State facilities provide initial and re-inspection services. No motorist choice. Equipment and VID provided by one contractor. Some lanes will be OBD-only and some will include tailpipe testing. Gas Cap testing will be included. Same hours of operation. Lanes may be operated by State or by contractor. Safety Advisories may reduce retest inspections. State audits will be reviewed.
Draft Scenario- Hybrid-Contractor or State Run- Keep the same system of both State Central Inspection Facilities (CIFs) and Private Inspection Facilities (PIF) Motorist choice continues. CIF Equipment, PIF Equipment, and VID provided by one contractor. CIF test to include OBD, Gas Cap and tailpipe testing. CIF lanes may be operated by State or by contractor. PIF test may be OBD and gas cap. PIF Equipment may be paid for by sale or by transaction and PIF inspection fee may be capped or market driven. Safety Advisories may reduce retest inspections. State audits will be reviewed.
Draft Scenario-Separated Safety and Emission Inspection- The program would involve safety inspections being done all at Private Inspection Facilities(PIFs) and all emissions inspections done at the State Central Inspection Facilities (CIFs) Motorist must go two places for inspection. Equipment and VID provided by one contractor and system provides for the capability of utilizing new technology for future inspections. Equipment may be paid by sale or by transaction. Emissions test to include OBD, Gas Cap and tailpipe testing. Safety or Emission Inspection fee may be capped or market driven Safety Advisories to reduce retest inspections. Creates easier system to implement program changes for the future. State audits will be reviewed.
Evaluation Stakeholders and Public are requested to provide information and feedback to MACTEC in advance of the meeting to Dan Dozier at