Electronic Reporting Available Upon approval, permittees may submit all of their NJPDES Monitoring Report Forms electronically via the NJDEP OnLine Portal Upon approval, permittees may submit all of their NJPDES Monitoring Report Forms electronically via the NJDEP OnLine Portal
Heres a quick snapshot of how the NJPDES Monitoring Reports (DMRs, WCRs, RTRs) service works
Logging In
ID, Password & PIN Users need to establish a Login ID and a Login Password. For more information please visit DEP Online at and follow the instructions for a New User.Users need to establish a Login ID and a Login Password. For more information please visit DEP Online at and follow the instructions for a New User. Individuals with Responsible Official security access will also need to create a Certification PIN.Individuals with Responsible Official security access will also need to create a Certification PIN. The Certification PIN will give the Responsible Official the ability to Certify the contents of the MRF form and complete the electronic submittal process for the specific MRF.The Certification PIN will give the Responsible Official the ability to Certify the contents of the MRF form and complete the electronic submittal process for the specific MRF.
Create a My New Jersey account
Enter your ID and Password
NJDEP NJOnline will be available through the My New Jersey web portal via a hotlink under the DEP APPS header
Request Certification PIN Click
Request PIN Confirmation
Choose service of interest
Scroll down and hit the OK Button
My Workspace The NJPDES Monitoring Reports (DMRs, WCRs, RTRs) service will now display under the Service Selection folder of the My Workspace tab. When clicked you will be taken to the NJPDES Permit Selection screen. You must add the NJPDES permit of the facility you want to submit MRFs electronically for via the Add Facilities option.
Facility Search Click on Retrieve NJPDES Permit Numbers Select Water Quality from drop down menu Enter the NJPDES Number of the permit whose MRFs you want to submit electronically. Click on Search
Facility Search Results Click on the row that corresponds to the Permit you wish to report electronic MRFs for. Click on the Add Selected Facilities button
NJPDES Permit Selection Make selection and hit the Continue button
Monitoring Report Form Pending Folder Lets you see the status of a Pending MRF This screen displays all of the MRFs that can be downloaded and also indicates which ones have been uploaded Clicking on the Download button will take you to the Monitoring Report Form Download screen
Download desired MRF by clicking on the spreadsheet hotlink and saving the file onto your PC hard drive.
Open Spreadsheet and activate the Macro option!
Submittal Form
Electronic shell looks like a regular MRF form
Hard Copy of Electronic Shell
Spreadsheet validation and Spreadsheet locking Confirmation number is generated upon validationConfirmation number is generated upon validation System will ask you to save an unlocked copy of your spreadsheetSystem will ask you to save an unlocked copy of your spreadsheet
Monitoring Report Spreadsheet Upload Enter corresponding confirmation code Enter path of spreadsheet file on PC
IMPORTANT Monitoring Report Forms are NOT considered postmarked or officially received by NJDEP until all Responsible Officials have acknowledged their acceptance via the certification process.Monitoring Report Forms are NOT considered postmarked or officially received by NJDEP until all Responsible Officials have acknowledged their acceptance via the certification process. When the last Responsible Official has certified the form, an acknowledgement will automatically be sent out informing all interested parties of the MRFs postmarked status.When the last Responsible Official has certified the form, an acknowledgement will automatically be sent out informing all interested parties of the MRFs postmarked status.
Monitoring Report Form Certification Select form Enter PIN Hit the Certify button Access the Monitoring Report Form Certification Screen
Monitoring Report Form Submitted Folder Status Verification
NJDEP On Line You may access NJD EP On Line via the Internet at: