UUP Professional’s - Performance Programs & Evaluations
Our Challenge – background Oracle implementation – Spring 2000 Departments were given the challenge of managing and tracking employee dates – using Oracle “views” (queries) Approximately 50 “HR Masters” located in the schools and divisions 600 UUP professional employees Oracle implementation – Spring 2000 Departments were given the challenge of managing and tracking employee dates – using Oracle “views” (queries) Approximately 50 “HR Masters” located in the schools and divisions 600 UUP professional employees
Our Challenge – background Limited department “ownership” of the information Departments often used dates which were not appropriate Decrease in percentage of “compliance” with performance programs & evaluations Limited department “ownership” of the information Departments often used dates which were not appropriate Decrease in percentage of “compliance” with performance programs & evaluations
Our Solution... Responsibility for tracking returns to HR 600 files reviewed for current status HR met individually with schools and divisions to share results and plans Training program developed for departments Subject matter and hands-on computer training in same class Responsibility for tracking returns to HR 600 files reviewed for current status HR met individually with schools and divisions to share results and plans Training program developed for departments Subject matter and hands-on computer training in same class
Content Training Offered Steps to permanent appointment Permanent appointment timeline Performance program and evaluations in-line with appointments Cycles outlined for supervisors Steps to permanent appointment Permanent appointment timeline Performance program and evaluations in-line with appointments Cycles outlined for supervisors
A Quiz? Training participants are given a quiz before the session begins Examples of questions: Can you name 3 things which can stop the permanency clock for a UUP professional? Titles listed in appendix ___, ___ and ___ of the Policies of the Board of Trustees cannot gain permanency. A supervisor of a new UUP professional employee should draft a performance program with the employee within ____ number of days, then finalize within ____ number of days. Training participants are given a quiz before the session begins Examples of questions: Can you name 3 things which can stop the permanency clock for a UUP professional? Titles listed in appendix ___, ___ and ___ of the Policies of the Board of Trustees cannot gain permanency. A supervisor of a new UUP professional employee should draft a performance program with the employee within ____ number of days, then finalize within ____ number of days.
Steps to Perm Appointment An Overview Basis – Policies of the Board of Trustees and the UUP Agreement years of Full-Time Consecutive UUP professional service – including Temporary Last 2 years must be in the same budget title Part-Time Service does not count to towards permanency Interruptions of permanency clock: Leaves at Partial or No Pay Appendix A, B or C titles cannot gain permanency An Overview Basis – Policies of the Board of Trustees and the UUP Agreement years of Full-Time Consecutive UUP professional service – including Temporary Last 2 years must be in the same budget title Part-Time Service does not count to towards permanency Interruptions of permanency clock: Leaves at Partial or No Pay Appendix A, B or C titles cannot gain permanency
Permanent Appointment Process Timeline Approximately 14 months prior to projected permanency date (due to the one-year required notice date) Department conducts a thorough employee evaluation, including secondary sources Recommends permanency based on the positive evaluation Supporting documentation, including the evaluation, is forwarded from the department head, Vice President or Dean to the President, via Human Resources. Department processes a “Data Change” smart form transaction, with the future effective date, changing the employee’s assignment status from “Term” to “Permanent”. Human Resources forwards the information to the Provost and/or President. Once approved, Human Resources processes the necessary additional paperwork and system transactions, then forwards to the Chancellor in Albany. The Chancellor’s office processes the request and sends the letter of permanency to the employee. Approximately 14 months prior to projected permanency date (due to the one-year required notice date) Department conducts a thorough employee evaluation, including secondary sources Recommends permanency based on the positive evaluation Supporting documentation, including the evaluation, is forwarded from the department head, Vice President or Dean to the President, via Human Resources. Department processes a “Data Change” smart form transaction, with the future effective date, changing the employee’s assignment status from “Term” to “Permanent”. Human Resources forwards the information to the Provost and/or President. Once approved, Human Resources processes the necessary additional paperwork and system transactions, then forwards to the Chancellor in Albany. The Chancellor’s office processes the request and sends the letter of permanency to the employee.
UUP Professionals Performance Program & Evaluation Cycles Examples Employee Group Assignment Status – Type of Appointment Evaluative CycleExample New Hires Full-Time Professionals 1-year initial Term Term Performance programs will be at 5 and 10 month intervals the first year of a 1-year Term appointment. HR s the correct dates to the supervisor shortly after the start date. A new hire on 5/17/05. The first performance program is completed for 5/17/05 – 10/17/05, the first 5 months, (Evaluation due on 10/17/05) Second performance program is completed for 10/17/05 – 3/17/06 (Evaluation due on 3/17/06) Full-Time Professionals Who are NOT YET Permanent Term Generally runs 2 months prior to the employee’s future permanency day/month. If the projected permanency date is 5/17/2xxx, the evaluative cycle will be 3/17 through 3/17, after their first year. “Permanent” Professionals Permanent 5/15 through 5/15 each year, until the employee leaves their permanent UUP professional position. An evaluation is completed for 5/15/04 – 5/15/05 (and) a new performance program is completed for the next cycle, 5/15/05 – 5/15/06. Part-Time Term Professionals Term Generally runs 4 months prior to the employee’s appointment date. For new part-time term professionals the initial performance program will be for a period of 8 months. A new hire with a part-time term appointment starting 5/17/05, the initial cycle will be 5/17/05 – 1/17/06 (8 months). After the first year, the cycle will be 1/17 through 1/17. Hourly Term Professionals TermSee Part-Time Term Professionals above Full-Time OR Part-Time Temporary Professionals Temporary Performance program and evaluation cycle is identical to their appointment dates. A temporary professional is hired on 5/17/05 with a 6-month appointment, the cycle will be 5/17/05 – 11/17/05. College Year Term Professionals, TermGenerally runs 8/15 through 6/15 each year. An evaluation is completed for 8/15/04 – 6/15/05 and a new performance program is completed for the next cycle, 8/15/05 – 6/15/06.
UUP Professionals Sample Evaluative Cycle for a New Full-Time Term Appointee with initial one-year appointment Human Resources sends this information to the supervisor, via , shortly after the employee’s start date NameJohn Doe Start Date5/17/2005Projected Perm Date5/17/2012 TimeframeProcessDate RangeDue Date 30 DaysDraft performance program with employee5/17/ /17/20056/16/ DaysFinalize performance program and send to HR 7/1/2005 Year 1Evaluate at 5 months5/17/ /17/2005 Evaluate at 10 months10/17/ /17/2006 Year 2Evaluate at one year3/17/ /17/2007 Year 3Evaluate at one year3/17/ /17/2008 Year 4Evaluate at one year3/17/ /17/2009 Year 5Evaluate at one year3/17/ /17/2010 Year 6Evaluate at one year3/17/ /17/2011 Permanency procedures begin Year 7Evaluate at one year3/17/ /17/2012
Training for Queries Hands-on computer instruction immediately following content Participants learn how to use Oracle “Performance View” Simple queries to locate evaluation and performance program due dates for their staff Hands-on computer instruction immediately following content Participants learn how to use Oracle “Performance View” Simple queries to locate evaluation and performance program due dates for their staff
Due date for Performance Program Date range for the Evaluation (and) Due Date for Evaluation. For example: the evaluation dates for this employee will be 10/12/04 through 10/12/05. The evaluation is sent to Human Resources on 10/12/05.
Results Departments gaining better understanding of the process Compliance rates moving up Departments gaining better understanding of the process Compliance rates moving up
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