The Road to the Big Leagues
The Top Producers Recipe I have the honor and privilege to hang out with some of the Top Producing Loan Professionals in the industry. I ask a lot of questions. The answers I get are surprisingly similar. Over the years of observing what the Top Producers are doing, I have discovered that there 5 very specific things that each and everyone of them do.
They Know Who Their Target Is The Common Trait = Research the targets Without exception the top producing Loan Pro’s have researched the agents they are targeting. Marketing guru and coach out there all start their teaching with this action.
They Know Who Their Target Is Some places you can research your Targets. ( ***Get Access to the Local MLS
They Know Who Their Target Is Start with 50 to 100 specific and researched Targets Then add 2 New researched Targets – 5 days a week 50 weeks a year. Lets do the Math 2 X 5 = X 50 = 500 Lets say 75% Opt Out. Your list at the end of the year is (don’t worry about following up with the half person)
They Track Their Targets The Common Trait = Tracking the Targets It is absolutely essential to track the progress of the targets. All the top producers I know track the A agents (MVP’s) the B agents(the Farm Team) C agents (the recruits)**If you have people you consider D agents, just delete them. They are not worth your work time. ***Make your OWN tracking spread sheets if you do not have a CRM that will do this.
They Track Their Targets You can create your tracking spread sheet with Excel or Google Drive. Name Company Contact Info Called Face 2 Face Referrals Closings Notes 90 Day Follow Up
They Have a Follow Up Plan The Common Trait = A Plan for Following Up The top producers All have a plan in place for how they are going to stay in contact with their prospects Weekly Videos Weekly Calls Live Presentations Coffee Meets Lunch or Dinner Golf Outings Fishing Trips The Key to all these things is Ask For the Business. Every time.
They Have a Follow Up Plan Your Follow Up Plan should include action steps for your A agents, as well as a plan for the B and C agents. Example: A agents get a call every Monday to bond and build relationship and ask for the business. B and C agents get a call on Tuesday to set up a face to face (to see if they are worthy of making it to the A list)
They Have a Follow Up Plan Monday call to A list– Hey Freddy, it’s Paul Baxter. Hope you a great weekend. Did you get to goof off or were you working? Goof off – Great hope you are well rested and ready for a great week. Is there anyone you need me to call to get pre-approved for you this week? Working – Keeping that top producer status I see. Who did you meet this weekend that you need to get pre-approved?
They Have a Follow Up Plan Tuesday call to B and C Hey there Fred Agent, This is Paul Baxter over at Legacy Mortgage Group. I’m calling today because I’ve heard that you are serious about building your Real Estate business. I would love to treat you to coffee and explore how I may be able to help you build your business. I’m only asking for minutes of your time. Is Thursday at 3 or Friday at 2 better for you?
They are Consistent The Common Trait = Consistency The top producing Loan Pro’s are top producers because they are consistent. Consistent with their research for Targets They consistently track those they are targeting The follow up plan allows them to communicate with their Targets consistently
They are Consistent What does consistency look like 1. They do a video EVERY week to keep their Face not just name in front of Targets 2. They time block to make sure that come hell or high water, the Monday and Tuesday calls are made (single most money making activity you can do) 3. They ALWAYS ask for the business…Period!
They Ask for the Business The common trait = Ask for the Business The top producers are not shy about this. Every communication is an opportunity to ask for the business. They know that “no” only means not right now.
They Ask for the Business
Find ways to ask for business that is different. “Who can I help you get an approval letter for” Dean Jackson says that referrals are either “passive” “reactive” or “orchestrated”. Learn to “orchestrate” asking for and getting leads. “Who do you know, that needs an approval letter”.
The Top 5 Common Traits 1.Research and find Targets – 50 to 100 to start, then 2 a day. 2.Put your Targets on your tracking sheet and USE it. 3.Follow Up with them like crazy 4.Be consistent with your plan 5.Ask for the Business