FIXED-TERM WORK IN EUROPE: TRENDS AND SOCIAL IMPACTS Martin Fritz European Data Laboratory for Comparative Social Research (EUROLAB), GESIS, Cologne.


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Presentation transcript:

FIXED-TERM WORK IN EUROPE: TRENDS AND SOCIAL IMPACTS Martin Fritz European Data Laboratory for Comparative Social Research (EUROLAB), GESIS, Cologne

Fritz: Fixed-Term Work in Europe2 Current trends in the world of (flexible) work - a sociological perspective De-standardization, De-regulation, Flexibilization, Expansion of Non-Standard Employment wage-labour based Fordism as social/ employment standard finance-driven Post-Fordism Innovations (ICT), Globalization, Policy decisions, Value change Will there be a new socially inclusive employment standard?

Fritz: Fixed-Term Work in Europe3 EU Directives to establish this new socially inclusive employment standard: The European Social Partners ETUC, UNICE and CEEP developed a framework agreement on fixed-term work put into effect by COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 1999/70/EC : purpose: to improve the quality of fixed-term work by a) applying the principle of non-discrimination and b) measures to prevent abuse  What are the social differences between fixed-term and permanent work, so that there is a need for non-discrimination?  What social problems are caused by fixed-term work?  How can social inclusion be achieved?

Fritz: Fixed-Term Work in Europe4 EU Directive on fixed-term work From the preamble of COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 1999/70/EC : “They [the social partners] also recognize that fixed-term employment contracts respond, in certain circumstances, to the needs of both employers and workers.” ?  Why should employees prefer to have a fixed-term rather than a permanent contract? Or does this mean they prefer it over being unemployed?

Fritz: Fixed-Term Work in Europe5 What Sociologists think: Zygmunt BaumanPierre BourdieuRichard Sennett Ulrich Beck The rise in fixed-term work has objective and subjective, individual and societal consequences: In-work Poverty Inequality Depressions feelings of replaceability growing distrust Insecurity anomie precarity flexploitation loss of solidarity corrosion of character chains of uncertainty Anxieties about future loss of long-term orientation

Fritz: Fixed-Term Work in Europe6 Implementation of Directive 99/70/EC on fixed-term employment Incidence of fixed-term/temporary employment in Europe (in % of all employees, years), source: Eurostat

Fritz: Fixed-Term Work in Europe7 What is behind this slowly rising overall trend and the country differences? 1. Who is doing fixed-term work? groups that are relatively new on the labour markets: very young and older persons and women? or vulnerable workers who can‘t find other job?  social structure of fixed-term work: gender, age and education 2. What changes occured within the social structure of fixed-term workers in the last years? does it become more gendered, are increasingly young people holding fixed-term contracts or more and more the low-skilled?  looking at trends

Fritz: Fixed-Term Work in Europe8 Composition of fixed-term work: gender, age and education, source: Eurostat

Fritz: Fixed-Term Work in Europe9 Changes in the socio-demographic composition of fixed-term employment from (%), source: Eurostat

Fritz: Fixed-Term Work in Europe10 Social Problems of Fixed-term Work 2 Examples: Poverty as economic insecurity Anomie at country level

Fritz: Fixed-Term Work in Europe11 Poverty rates for permanent and temporary work, 27 European countries, 18-64yrs Source: vanLancker 2013, based on EU-SILC 2008 data

Fritz: Fixed-Term Work in Europe12 Extracts from multilevel logistic regressions on the risk of poverty (odds ratios) All workersTemporary M1M2M3M4M5 Type of contract PermanentRef. Temporary1.99 ***1.95 ***1.23 *** Age cohorts *0.67 ***0.73 ***0.71 *** 30-44Ref ***0.94 *0.81 **0.73 ** Gender (male = ref.)0.86 ***0.46 ***0.59 ***0.58 *** Household composition Children (no children = ref.)4.13 ***5.26 ***3.95 ***3.67 *** Partner (single = ref.)0.84 ***0.94 * Dual earner (single earner = ref.) 0.24 ***0.19 ***0.20 ***0.17 *** Education Low2.05 ***1.52 *** 1.54 *** MediumRef. High0.35 ***0.67 ***0.66 ***0.60 *** Monthly gross wages0.11 ***0.14 ***0.13 *** ……………… Deviance Observations Source: vanLancker 2013, based on EU-SILC 2008 data * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001.

Fritz: Fixed-Term Work in Europe13 Source: Fritz 2013 Extracts from Correspondence Analyses on anomie and non-standard employment at country level

Fritz: Fixed-Term Work in Europe14 Source: Fritz 2013 Extracts from Correspondence Analyses on anomie and non-standard employment at country level

Fritz: Fixed-Term Work in Europe15 Conclusions Fixed-term work is especially problematic for: families, lower educated persons and in countries with dominance of male breadwinner model, i.e. South European countries DIRECTIVE 1999/70/EC on fixed-term work does not solve this problems, thus it doesn’t contribute to a new socially inclusive employment standard other forms of flexible work (as part-time work) can contribute more to a new standard as also social policy measures like minimum incomes and wages etc. which protect especially the most vulnerable More information in our book: Max Koch & Martin Fritz „Non-Standard Employment in Europe. Paradigms, Prevalence and Policy Responses.“