10/8/2015DigitalGlobe Proprietary Power of the Constellation and WorldView-2
10/8/2015DigitalGlobe Proprietary DigitalGlobe’s Advanced Constellation 2
10/8/2015DigitalGlobe Proprietary DigitalGlobe Advanced Constellation Faster Annual collection rate: equal to 3X the world’s land mass More daily collection: over 1.5 million km² / day More total ImageLibrary: over 815 million km² Better Better large area collection with fewer attempts and consistent radiometry Better multispectral data: 4 & 8 band data 3
10/8/ ~ 1,500,000 km 2 per day Constellation Collection Capabilities Adds to largest high resolution library 1000,000,000 km 2 Map source: DigitalGlobe Proprietary
10/8/2015DigitalGlobe Proprietary Constellation Working Together Day Window at ~º33 latitude More…Accesses 28 total accesses Panchromatic Access : 28 Multispectral Access: 19 Stereo Access: 22 Better…Collection 7 Intraday revisit Faster…Refresh Results based on 30º off nadir 5
10/8/2015DigitalGlobe Proprietary Constellation Resolution and Accuracy WorldView-2 has 50 cm resolution and comparable accuracy standards to WorldView-1 –WorldView-1stand-alone accuracy certified at 4.1 m CE90% or better without ground control at NADIR* WorldView-2 Port Botany, Australia October 20, 2009 * Excludes terrain displacement and viewing angle distortion WorldView-1 CE90% Radius = 6.5 m Certified at 4.1m CE90% WorldView-1 CE90% Radius = 6.5 m Certified at 4.1m CE90% QuickBird CE90% Radius = 23 m 6
10/8/2015DigitalGlobe Proprietary Summary Better means up-to-date and most in-depth historical imagery for projects and analysis Better ability in processing improvements from consistency within the imagery, additional analysis of the pixels with the extra bands and better confidence with results Better means further analysis from the pixels, and better confidence in the results Better means confidence that they can rely on DigitalGlobe as the one source for all projects Faster means using the most current, view to show exact ground-truth and the ability to react, make decisions and/or change direction faster minimizing any business or environmental impacts Faster means detecting change in a matter of days – not months or quarterly. Faster means collecting broad extensive regions, countries and metropolitan areas for: basemaps on portals, navigation/mobile devices and coverage of global enterprises assets Faster means always having a competitive edge over other satellite imagery or free imagery sources 7
10/8/2015DigitalGlobe Proprietary WorldView-2 Natural Color Masirah Island, Oman October 21, 2009 Discussion