Vilma L. Santos Wendy Spencer UT Benefits Billing Supervisor UT Benefits Billing Analyst
UT B ENEFITS B ILLING The UT System Office of Employee Benefits partnered with UT Share institutions to create "UT Benefits Billing". UT BB will be responsible for centralized processing of voluntary retiree insurance premiums This new team will assist retirees with billing needs Benefits eligibility and Annual Enrollment is still handled at the UT institution
C HANGES FOR R ETIREES Premium payments will go directly to UT BB lockbox Monthly statements vs. quarterly statements Self-addressed envelope included New Direct Payment Authorization Agreement required Credit Card payments are still under review for implementation at a later date
UT B ENEFITS B ILLING R OLE Out-of-Pocket premium processes: Track payments, Enroll in Direct Payment option, UT BB will send out confirmations after processing ACH agreements Send statements and reminder letters, Reduce coverage to Subscriber Only Medical in the event of non-payment, Appeals will be reviewed by UT BB
UT I NSTITUTION R OLE UT HR offices remain the primary resource for active/retired employees regarding: Annual enrollment activities Explanation of benefit options or general questions regarding benefits Qualified status changes Death notifications Changes in demographic profile like a new permanent or temporary mailing address, account, or emergency contacts
W ORKING R ETIREES AND S URVIVING S POUSES /D EPENDENTS Will have the same payment options as other retirees Payments for working retirees will not come out of their UT earnings Surviving Spouses/Dependents are not able to come back to the plan if coverage is termed due to non- payment
G ENERAL C ONTACT I NFORMATION Correspondence : UT Benefits Billing Office of Employee Benefits 702 Colorado Street, Suite Austin, Texas Payment Submission : UT System Lockbox ATTN: UT Benefits Billing P.O. Box Dallas, Texas