Fernando Armstrong / Tony Farthing Regional Directors New Jersey State Data Center June 11, Decennial Census Program
2 Major Components of the Reengineering Effort American Community Survey MAF/TIGER Enhancements Program 2010 Census 2010 Decennial Census Program
3 American Community Survey A monthly random sample of housing units and group quarters– roughly 3 million housing units and 20,000 group quarters per year. Full implementation started in 2005; thus the first data release of the fully implemented ACS for housing units occurred in Will provide estimates of detailed characteristics every year for all states, and for all cities, counties, metropolitan areas, and population groups of 65,000 people or more. It will take 5 years to accumulate sufficient sample to produce estimates for areas as small as census tracts; data will be published for all areas and groups of 20,000 or more every year starting in 2008 using an accumulation of 3 years of data. These estimates will then be updated every year.
4 Objectives Realign TIGER to GPS coordinates - As of March 31, 2008 Harris Corp (contractor) delivered realignment data for all 3,232 counties. Modernize MAF/TIGER Processing Environment (done). Expand Geographic Partnerships (ongoing) Implement the Community Address Updating System (CAUS) (suspended). Perform Quality Assurance/Evaluations (ongoing). MAF/TIGER Enhancements Program
2010 Decennial Census Program 2010 Decennial Census: Update Content Update Submitted final 2010 questions to Congress on March 31 for both ACS and the 2010 Census Dress Rehearsal Completed operations: - Local Update of Census Addresses - Address Canvassing - Group Quarters Validation - Coverage Measurement Independent Listing
Dress Rehearsal (continued) Printing completed of mailout/mailback and replacement questionnaire packages, advance letters, reminder cards, and fulfillment forms. Down-scoped operations due to continuing resolution last October and decision not to use HHCs for NRFU. Delayed Census Day to May 1; initial mailout April 14; initial and replacement questionnaires mailed out. Replan of other DR activities underway (e.g. data capture, coverage follow-up) Decennial Census: Update
Decennial Census: Contracts Integrated Communications Contract: Draftfcb Draftfcb completed 3 rd draft of integrated communications plan; final plan due May 30. Census Barriers, Attitudes, and Motivations Survey in May Increase Response Rate to 64% Improve Accuracy and Reduce the Differential Undercount
8 Regional Census Center and Early Local Census Office space acquisition and build out All 13 RCCs (including the Puerto Rico Area Office) are open and functional. 4 ELCOs in NJ [Camden, Hoboken, Rocky Hill, Trenton ] Recruiting for ELCO Management Staff Partnership Program Partnership Staff are being hired Non-Response Operations Replan Working on requirements for contractors Decennial Census: Other
9 National Recruiting Plan Update Recruiting Goals Approximately 3.0 million applicants needed 900,000 total temporary workforce 150,000 needed for address canvassing in ,000 needed for NRFU in 2010 Regional Recruiters Recruiting Coordinator currently onboard in each RCC By August 2008 – second Recruiter to be hired
10 National Recruiting Plan Update 2010 Census Waivers Federal Waivers Financial Assistance Waivers Tribal Waivers
11 Partnership Program Update Regional Ramp-Up First Partnership Specialists started in January in each RCC Additional Partnership Specialists will be added 48 – By January 2009 program will be at its peak staffing By 2011 the program will downsize again
12 Partnership Program Update Developing Partnerships with: Community Organizations Tribal Governments Local and State Governments Faith-Based Organizations Businesses