1 Classroom Computer Maintenance Presented by Max Hobson, Arcadia Valley CTC
2 Classroom Computer Maintenance This in-service will focus on basic trouble shooting and preventive maintenance of computers for classroom teachers and home computer users. This session will be good for all teachers as the summer approaches and computers are stored for the summer. The session will also provide helpful hints and techniques for maintenance in the classroom and at home.
3 Classroom Computer Maintenance What to do if your computer locks up. Remember if your caps lock or num lock light up or off when you press the key, your computer is not locked but an application or process is locked. Pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del will allow you to access the task list or shut down.
4 Classroom Computer Maintenance This is with Novell Client installed. It will look a little different without client installed. As you can see there are options available. The two most commonly used are Task List and Shutdown. Even when the Caps Lock light doesn’t go on and off Ctrl+Alt+Del may work to give an option to shutdown rather than power off.
5 Classroom Computer Maintenance The Applications tab will allow you to End Task on any applications running, with options to Switch To another application or to start a New Task
6 Classroom Computer Maintenance The ability to end a process can be very useful when your computer won’t cooperate. This comes in handy when you are wanting to run Disk Defragmenter or Scandisk.
7 Classroom Computer Maintenance This tab can give you some useful information. I have used it to help detect a virus by showing 100% CPU usage.
8 Classroom Computer Maintenance
10 Classroom Computer Maintenance Device Manager is another useful utility that is accessed through the Control Panel at the Start Menu. Is there something not working on your computer? Like the video doesn’t look right or the sound doesn’t work any more
11 Classroom Computer Maintenance In the Control Panel double click on the System Icon.
12 Classroom Computer Maintenance In the System Properties there is numerous items useful with computer maintenance, but for our needs at this moment we want Device Manager. Device Manager is in the Hardware tab.
13 Classroom Computer Maintenance Now click on the Device Manager button.
14 Classroom Computer Maintenance If you are having any trouble with any devices there will be either a yellow, red, or blue question mark or exclamation mark in front of a device.
15 Classroom Computer Maintenance A major part of computer maintenance is preventive maintenance. Just like changing oil in a car makes the engine last longer. Disk Cleanup, Disk Defragmenter, and Scandisk for your Hard Drive is like changing it’s oil. They maximize the efficiency of the drive.
16 Classroom Computer Maintenance Disk Cleanup and Disk Defragmenter can be accessed from Start, All Programs, Accessories, System Tools
17 Classroom Computer Maintenance A good thing about disk cleanup is it doesn’t do it on its own. You have the option to check or uncheck the items you want cleaned. Temporary Internet Files, Recycle Bin, and Temporary files in most cases are safe to remove all contents.
18 Classroom Computer Maintenance Use this only if you want to remove a component from windows not being used. Use this only if you want to remove a program that is no longer being used. Use this if your computer is running fine with no problems as if there are no problems you only need a recent restore point.
19 Classroom Computer Maintenance Click on the drive you want to defragment. In this case it will be drive C. Click on the Defragment button and follow the prompts.
20 Classroom Computer Maintenance Scandisk is not where it use to be in Win9X. You access scandisk by going to My Computer and right clicking on your C drive then clicking on properties.
21 Classroom Computer Maintenance Once you are in drive properties click on the tools tab.
22 Classroom Computer Maintenance Scandisk is now called Check Now.
23 Classroom Computer Maintenance You then have the option to automatically fix errors and to attempt to recover bad sectors. Make your selections and click start. Regretfully scandisk does not give percentages completed anymore.
24 Classroom Computer Maintenance An additional utility that can be very useful is the MSConfig command in the run box.
25 Classroom Computer Maintenance In the Run box type; msconfig and click OK.
26 Classroom Computer Maintenance II
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31 Classroom Computer Maintenance