Parts of Speech Conjunctions
Part Definition Example NounA person, place, thing, or idea.Under the clouds, we felt like fish swimming in suntan oil. PronounA word that takes the place of one or more nouns Electra thought that her tattoo was larger than she expected. VerbA word or phrase that expresses action or a state of being The movie starts at 9:00. (action) The movie is terrible. (being) AdjectivesA word that modifies a noun or a pronoun That new blue sports car has aluminum rims. It also has a high-tech GPS system. AdverbA word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb I instantly realized that I had just insulted the mayor and that she was quite angry with me. PrepositionShows relationships between nouns or pronouns and other words in a sentence ConjunctionConnects word, phrases, and clauses I wanted to pick up Lasandra and Tony, but my car broke down.
Coordinating & Correlative Conjunctions Connect words, phrases, and clauses of equal rank. Coordinating Conjunction Correlative Conjunction (always pairs of words) We can take the bus or the subway. The conjunction or connects two nouns of equal grammatical rank. Travel in not only exciting but also enriching. The conjunctions not only and but also connects two adjectives of equal grammatical rank.
Coordinating & Correlative Conjunctions CoordinatingCorrelative and nor yetboth/and either/or but orneither/nor not only/but also for sowhether/or
Subordinating Conjunctions Connects subordinating clauses (not full sentences) and main clauses (full sentences) (subordinating clause) (main clause) Unless you hear from me, I will be home by six o’clock. Because of the snowstorm, I didn’t get home until midnight.
Some Subordinating Conjunctions afteras soon asin order thatuntil althoughas thoughsincewhen asbecauseso thatwhenever as far asbeforethanwhere as ifeven thoughthoughwherever as long asifunlesswhile