Vocabulary Quiz this Friday, September 27th
Compensate: to make suitable payment to; pay “Some companies still don’t compensate women for their work as much as they pay en who do similar work.“ When an oil rig explosion killed Sam, the company compensated his widow with $100,000. However, nothing could really repay her for his loss.
Conceive: to think of; to imagine When studying Australia in school, I conceived an interesting class project-each student could write to an Australian pen pal. Most people in the 1800’s could not have imagined such things as TV and heart transplants. What will the next hundred years bring that we cannot yet conceive of?
Derive: to receive from a source; to get We derive plastics from oil. As a result, when oil prices go up, so do the prices of plastic products. Sarah derived pleasure from visiting and reading to old people after school. She enjoyed their company and felt she was doing something worthwhile.
Diversity: variety There’s a great diversity of breakfast cereals at the supermarket. There are so many different kinds that they take up half an aisle. “One thing I’m looking for in a college,” Janelle told her counselor, “is diversity. I want to meet many different kinds of people.”
Inhibit: to hold back; prevent Steve wanted to drive fast in his new car, but the fact that he had already gotten two speeding tickets inhibited him. Many people believe exercise makes one eat more; however, I find that exercise inhibits my urge to snack.
Moderate: average, medium, not extreme in quality, degree, or amount. The trail was neither flat nor extremely steep- it was moderate, suitable for the average hiker. The prices at this restaurant aren’t dirt cheap. They are moderate so we should be able to have a nice dinner without spending too much.
Supplement: to add to, especially to make up for the lack of something. Many people supplement their diet with vitamins. At busy times of the year, the department store supplements its sales staff with temporary workers.
Surpass: to do better than; go beyond in achievement or quality With hard work, you can reach and even surpass many of your highest goals. Denise was disappointed that she had only matched Rhonda’s record leap in the high jump-she had hoped to surpass it.
Tentative: to hold back; to prevent My parents’ wedding anniversary party date is tentative. Before we finalize they date, we have to be sure that everyone can be with us that weekend. Class membership was tentative because many students were still dropping and adding courses.
Verify: to test or check the truth or accuracy of something; prove. Race officials verified who the winner was by checking a photo of the horses at the finish line. We’d love to come to the party, but I have to check my calendar to verify that we’re free that evening.