“ Educación para todos con calidad global ” Teaching English to adolescents and adults Claudia Yuliana Ramírez Course director Medellín, June 2015 FI-GQ-OCMC V ESCUELA DE CIENCIAS DE LA EDUCACIÓN ECEDU
“ Educación para todos con calidad global ” FI-GQ-OCMC V PURPOSE The course provides students, by means of the accomplishment of different types of works which involve the use of ICT and some specific contexts, as scenery to adopt a critical point of view about the basic concepts and general issues involved in the teaching and learning of the English language processes to get competent teachers to teach English to adolescents and adults.
“ Educación para todos con calidad global ” COURSE DESCRIPTION: Teaching English to Adolescents and Adults is a three-academic-credit course, intended to provide students with the theoretical and practical aspects of teaching English to adolescents and adults. The course addresses issues related to theories of learning, the learning strategies of adolescents and adults, learning activities, the classroom methods and techniques to be used when teaching English to adolescents and adults, the kind of materials to use and assessment to take into account during the learning process. This course offers students the chance to establish the specific characteristics of teaching English to both adolescents and adults so that they can succeed when performing as teachers. Due to the goals of the course, the following approach has been chosen: 1. The learner-lead approach which establishes the fact that students are responsible about their own learning process taking into account their autonomy and their abilities to deal with ITC which will be the basis for an ideal performance and group interaction. FI-GQ-OCMC V
“ Educación para todos con calidad global ” COURSE GENERAL COMPETENCES DISCIPLINARY COMPETENCE Students are able to talk about the basic concepts involved in the teaching and learning English process when dealing with adolescent and adult learners to enrich their understanding taking into account some specific contexts by means of some established tasks. FI-GQ-OCMC V
“ Educación para todos con calidad global ” COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCES Interpretative Students understand the most important and particular issues on the teaching English process for adolescents and adults from the different didactic material they are going to face to establish their importance when teaching. Argumentative Students are able to explain through some essays, reports, contributions and paragraph their self-reflection about the teaching English to adolescents and adults process to show their own points of view as a result of their academic formative process. Propositive Students identify clearly the main differences about teaching English to adolescents and adults by means of different tasks in order to improve their formative academic process. FI-GQ-OCMC V
“ Educación para todos con calidad global ” TRANSVERSAL COMPETENCES Students use properly the English language as a resource for interacting with e-mates during the whole academic process on forums, web conferences, , videos, etc. Participants identify the importance of the ICT as one very important tool to support their academic process, by searching for some information to reinforce and present their points of view. FI-GQ-OCMC V
“ Educación para todos con calidad global ” FI-GQ-OCMC V COURSE CONTENTS
“ Educación para todos con calidad global ” FI-GQ-OCMC V COURSE ACTIVITIES ActivitySettingScore Recognition assignment Evaluative setting25 points Individual assignment for unit 1 Evaluative setting100 points Collaborative assignment 1 for unit 2 Collaborative learning setting 120 points Collaborative assignment 2 for unit 3 Collaborative learning setting 130 points Final ProjectEvaluative setting125 points
“ Educación para todos con calidad global ” FI-GQ-OCMC V ESCUELA DE CIENCIAS DE LA EDUCACIÓN ECEDU Welcome!