lewisinmath.wikispaces.com Welcome to Oquirrh Hills Middle School. OHMS’ mathematics program is a dynamic, powerful educational program that allows all students to succeed. Here is some information about our mathematics program. Included in this brochure is information and tips that will help your child become more successful in learning mathematics. Students are expected to meet the Utah Core Mathematics Standards.. Additionally, they must eventually pass the Utah Basic Skills Criterion Test (UBSCT) in high school in order to earn a diploma. Is your child able to meet these standards? Our mathematics classes at OHMS are challenging. Yet we know that all students are able to learn and be successful in mathematics. We are committed to helping them reach this success. If a student needs extra help, it is available Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of most weeks. Additionally, most math teachers are available before or after school on many days of the week. If your student does come to enrichment, they will get a slip of paper verifying their attendance on a given date and the amount of work that was done. Mathematics at OHMS
How does OHMS fare? Each year, all students in Utah take part in the UPASS criterion reference tests required by Utah. The tests provide a picture of success for OHMS students. Below are the results for the past two years. Compared are the results for OHMS and the Jordan School District OHMSJSDOHMSJSD Math Pre-Algebra Algebra I Geometry
lewisinmath.wikispaces.com What is the Math Sequence at OHMS? While it is difficult to predict the exact mathematics sequence of classes that your student will take, here are some ideas of what they may take over the next several years. All students are required to take three years of high school math beginning in 9th grade. However, colleges are recommending that students take four years of high school math. Research has shown that students who complete math courses each of their high school years are more successful in college and in their chosen careers. Here are the courses offered at OHMS:
lewisinmath.wikispaces.com Math 7 Students focus on deep understanding and fluency in computing and solving problems involving fractions, decimals, percents, and ratios.
lewisinmath.wikispaces.com Pre-Algebra Students build on concepts learned in Math 7 by focusing on algebra- basics; integers, symbolic representations algebraic properties, and solving multi-step equations.
lewisinmath.wikispaces.com Algebra A and Algebra Students apply algebra-basics mastered in Pre-algebra, in the comprehensive study of linear and quadratic functions.
lewisinmath.wikispaces.com Geometry Students explore two and three dimensional shapes using algebraic thinking.
lewisinmath.wikispaces.com Algebra II Advanced algebra is a more in depth study of quadratic equations that builds on previous courses.
lewisinmath.wikispaces.com Math 8/ 9 Students continue focusing on understanding and fluency in computing and solving problems involving fractions, decimals, percents, and ratios (for students on an IEP).
lewisinmath.wikispaces.com Math Texts Used at OHMS Math 7 Prentice Hall Mathematics Course 2 Pre-Algebra Glencoe Pre-Algebra Algebra I Holt Algebra I Geometry McDougal Littell Geometry Algebra II Glencoe Algebra II
lewisinmath.wikispaces.com Questions to Ask Your Student to Help Them with Their Math Homework � What words or directions do you not understand? � What do you already know that can help you work through the problem? � What have you done so far? � Where can we find help in your textbook or notes? � Do you have similar problems to look at? � Can you draw a picture or make a diagram? � Can you explain what the teacher asked you to do? � What problems like this one have you had before? � Who can you call to get help? � Can you go on to another problem and come back to this one later? � Where can we look for some help on the Internet? � Can you go in before or after school for help from the teacher? � Should we tackle this problem another time? How can families help?
lewisinmath.wikispaces.com Talk about math in a positive manner. Have high expectations for your child. Make math fun. Discuss the math that is done at home and at work. Provide help with homework and class work at home Look at a student’s grade in math each week. Have them make up missing work. Check your student’s basic skills. If they are having difficulty, get flashcards or games to help them master the facts. How can families help?
lewisinmath.wikispaces.com Here are some good sites online: 1.Mr. Lewis’ Wikispace 2. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 3. Family Math 4. All the calculators you can imagine 5. Visual Math Dictionary 6. Multiple Math Resources Basic Skills Practice Mathematics Resources Online
OHMS Teacher Math Sites Ms. Beltran’s Wikispaces Ms. Chalmers’ Wikispace Mr. Clark’s Wikispace Ms. Griffiths Wikispace Mr. Haag’s Wikispace Mr. Hinz’ Wikispace Mr. Lewis’ Wikispace
Teacher Professional Development Ongoing learning is as important to teachers as it is to our students. While each of the mathematics teachers at OHMS is certified under the federal No Child Left Behind Act, they are involved in two continuing training programs each year. The first of these professional development programs Impact: Impact is a Jordan School District collaborative supporting applied mathematics instruction using technology. Teachers at OHMS are also participating in a Utah Office of Education pilot program focusing on integrating technology and instruction, InTech: Intech involves the Jordan and Carbon School Districts.