Welcome to Pre-Algebra! Mrs. Marissa Dahme
Introduction 5 th year teaching at SRTMS B.A. and M.S. in Mathematics Teaching Credential & M.Ed Crazy about math! Favorite number is
Resources This presentation can be accessed here: Website is updated daily (including Google Calendar) Zangle/Q is updated regularly Best way to contact me: Contact Mrs. Trinidad at:
Textbook Resources Online textbook: Code: A8EE42EA42 For workbook pages, practice quizzes, & more go to Use Google Drive/Calendar/teacher website for Warm-ups, Notes, Homework Assignments
Pre-Algebra Topics: Overview Integers Rational Numbers Real Numbers & Pythagorean Theorem Proportions & Similarity Percent Geometry Area and Volume Equations & Inequalities Linear Functions Nonlinear Functions Exponents Statistics Probability Common core is coming…
Policies Grading: 10% Homework 40% Classwork 50% Assessments Late work: 10% penalty per day, up to 5 days late Absences: one day per day absent to complete make up work Use the website for assignments/notes
Notebook Students needs a spiral notebook for math only Notebook quizzes are part of the classwork grade (40%) NB quizzes are open notes and timed It is imperative that students stay organized!
Homework Emphasis on practice & mastery of skills Corrected during class (students without their homework miss out on part of the learning process) “Open Note” Homework quizzes about every 2 weeks
HW/NB Quiz Rubric Each problem is worth 4 points: 1 pt for having the right problem 2 pts for showing work 1 pt for the correct answer
Assessments Average of one 1 quiz and 1 test per chapter Quizzes are sent home for students to keep Tests are kept in the classroom Corrections can be made on Quizzes to earn up to a 70%
POM: Problem of the Month Purpose: to improve problem solving skills & encourage collaborative thinking with peers Worth 15 classwork points Due about once a month Follow POM Guidelines for full credit
Extra Help Lunch on “B” Days (12:40-1:10) Or by appointment (before school, lunch, after school) Study buddy Online resources
CC State Standards for Mathematical Practice 1.Make sense of problems & persevere in solving them. 2.Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 3.Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4.Model with mathematics. 5.Use appropriate tools strategically.
6. Attend to precision. 7. Look for and make use of structure. 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. commmon-core-math-intro
Goals Motivate, Educate, and Inspire students by sharing my passion for math Build upon students’ computational skills, conceptual understanding, and logical reasoning Help students gain the knowledge and skills needed to become successful adults
Thank you for coming!