Fundraising “My god will supply all my needs according to His riches in Glory by Jesus Christ, for with God nothing is impossible” Philippians 4 v 19,Luke 1 v 37 Our Fundraising Consultancy is based on experience with two clients: Reed’s School Foundation Information Technology Training Organisation Gti has increased the funding available to Both these organisations enabling them to develop services to benefit their client Group. Discuss your aims and objectives with us. What you thought was impossible may turn out to be a dream that can be fulfilled. Copyright © 2002 Gti Mangement Consultancy
Fundraising Finding a way to fulfil your dream business, organisation or charitable work is often down to funds available. The need may be for venture capital or ongoing revenue expenditure, Either way doing anything needs resources of people, equipment and cash. Gti has enabled two organisations to develop benefits and services to clients. ITITO This organisation had a small budget and a large project to implement. In addition they needed to become self funding. A Scheme had to be devised to identify saleable products and services, construct these in a marketable form, arrange distribution and training programmes together with pricing strategies. A Strategic Implementation Plan was developed and money was raised from the EU and matched funding from employers. Copyright © 2002 Gti Management Consultancy
Reed’s School This Charity had seen a decline in funding from the Annual Appeal over consecutive years. A situation appraisal was conducted and a number of strategies were suggested to boost funding. The Donor Database was reconstructed and Streamlined through the addition of new hardware and software Over a period of 4 years the downward trend was reversed and the income stream doubled. The database was outsourced until a new permanent member of staff could be recruited and trained. Finance Copyright © 2002 Gti Management Consultancy