Have you ever heard someone say, Probably so. What is the appropriate response? If you say, “No He didn’t!” or some equivalent, any opportunity for evangelism.


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Presentation transcript:

Have you ever heard someone say, Probably so. What is the appropriate response? If you say, “No He didn’t!” or some equivalent, any opportunity for evangelism may evaporate. And to question their honesty or sincerity is also a mistake because they often really do believe that God is speaking to them directly. So is He? Does God speak directly to some people today?

Consider how many prominent figures have claimed God communicated with them directly: Jim Baker was “told” by God to build a Christian Disneyland- type theme park. Jimmy Swaggert was “told” not to quit his ministry after being caught multiple times with prostitutes. Oral Roberts (the “faith healer”) was “told” that if he didn’t raise millions of dollars for a hospital, God would call him home. Jim Jones, David Koresh, and countless other cult leaders claim direct communications from God. Charismatic preachers of every denomination claim each Sunday that “the Lord laid this message on my heart” before their sermons. I would be surprised if someone you know did not claim that God had spoken to them directly in some way.

Not only to their spiritual well-being, but to those influenced by them. Consider the dangers and consequences posed: Others blindly follow them without any substantiating evidence to support their claim. >Deut.18:20-22 Presumptuous prophets must be held accountable for their false predictions. >Jesus and the Apostles worked unmistakable miracles to prove their authority in speaking for God, John 20:30-31; Heb.2:1-4; 2Cor.12:12; Acts 2:1-21. >Where are the “signs of a true apostle” from the folks making these such claims today? Not the purely subjective signs of healing someone know one knows of a disease no one can see, but real miracles? Let them blind the doubter! Acts 13:6-12

Not only to their spiritual well-being, but to those influenced by them. Consider the dangers and consequences posed: Those making claims of direct communication from God fail to realize that their predecessors were subject to what had already been revealed. >Deut.13:1-5 Even those able to give a sign or wonder were still accountable to previous revelations from God. Any claim made had to coincide with, not contradict, previous revelations from God! >Paul emphasized the same to the Corinthians, 1Cor.14: >He made the same point abundantly clear to the Galatians, Gal.1:6-8.

Not only to their spiritual well-being, but to those influenced by them. Consider the dangers and consequences posed: Those making claims of direct communication from God make God’s inspired revealed word subject to amendment and change. >2Tim.3:16-17; 2pet.1:3; Heb.13:20-21 all state the perfection, completeness, and eternal nature of God’s covenant word. It will last forever, 1Pet.1:22-23! >If all these things are true, and they are, where is the need for “new revelation”? Does such not indict the very power of God to supply a lasting, perfect law? Jas.1:25 >So why do they do it? Man has become dissatisfied with God’s “perfect” law and seek changes. So, women are now (they claim) “called by God to preach” in contradiction to the clear teaching of 1Tim.2:11-12, etc. etc. etc.

Not only to their spiritual well-being, but to those influenced by them. Consider the dangers and consequences posed: Those making claims of direct communication from God completely ignore the teaching that “prophecy” would cease. >1Cor.13:8-10 clearly indicates that when the revelation of God’s will was completed, there would no longer be a need for prophecy and it would therefore cease. cf. 2Pet.1:3 >Once the perfect law of liberty was completely revealed, the need for confirming signs would no longer be necessary, Mark 16:20….unless one was dissatisfied with, and wanted to “change” the Law!

Not only to their spiritual well-being, but to those influenced by them. Consider the dangers and consequences posed: Those making claims of direct communication from God lend credibility to False Teachers and their False Teaching. >Question: If men like Baker, Swaggert, Roberts, Jones, Koresh and all of their ilk did not claim direct revelation from God, would “the masses” of people follow (or “pay”!) them? cf. Luke 16:31; Matt.13:14-15 >Such men and women are nothing more than modern-day “Jezebels”, Rev.2: She claimed to be a “prophetess” and yet taught things contrary to what was revealed. -The church at Thyatira was condemned for putting up with such nonsense and so too will be many of our day for the same failures!

Not only to their spiritual well-being, but to those influenced by them. Consider the dangers and consequences posed: Those making claims of direct communication from God encourage people to subject the Word of God to their own feelings and impulses. >In other words, they disregard God’s state will for what they feel. >Jer.10:23 “I know, O Lord, that a man’s way is not in himself; nor is it in a man who walks to direct his steps.” >Prov.3:5 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.” >1Cor.1:18-31 should settle the matter.

Not all who claim that God speaks to them are charlatans, some are just deceived into believing such by the emotionalism of denominationalism. They have “believed a lie” because they “rejected the truth” of God, 2Thess.2: We all have the responsibility to “test the spirits to see whether they are of God” 1John 4:1. The church at Ephesus did so and was commended for it, Rev.2:2. How do we determine the sincerity of those making such claims? Ask this question: “What are they after?” >Is it fame, a following, and finances? Titus 1:10-11 >Or is it “evidence” of their own salvation and good- standing with God? 1John 2:3-4 >Expose the first, and teach the other!