Welcome to Pre-Algebra WITH MS. MOHR
A bit about Ms. Mohr Bachelor of Science in Mathematics Masters of Education in Secondary Education Teaching Math 7, Pre-Algebra, and Software engineering this year! Her goal is for students to reach mastery this means she will be persistent and it may seem like some topics “just won’t go away” Classic Volkswagens, doxies, sci-fi and British humor may appear in word problems! Office hours Thursdays 2:50 to 3:40pm in C102 and by appointment
Supplies! 3” Binder (for all classes) with dividers in a math section for: Notes Returned work 2 Pocket folder (for work in progress) Ex Current Warm-ups 2 GRAPH composition books. (available at Office Max or Staples or on campus for $1!!!) Loose leaf notebook paper Pencils ( LOTS! ) and erasers Colored Pencils Red Pens Highlighters (2 different colors) Ruler (in. and cm) Protractor Optional: 4 function calculator must have square roots(this will not be used often, tracing paper, compass
Course Content
Resources -- We have a textbook! Glencoe Math Course 3 Students each have their own book that is their s to keep forever. They will be writing in these books so they will need to be brought to school each day. There is an online student edition students should have access Teacher training tomorrow will provide more information on resources Check in Infinite Campus and your for School Wires E-alerts for more information!
Supply donations Tissues Hand sanitizer Disinfecting wipes White board markers Pencils