T EST D ESCRIPTION On this portion of the test you will have 60 minutes to answer 60 questions. Questions are multiple choice. Questions will ask you to solve a problem. Questions will be from 6 content areas: pre- algebra, elementary algebra, intermediate algebra, coordinate geometry, plane geometry, and trigonometry.
C AN I USE A CALCULATOR ? Yes, you may use a calculator! However, there are very specific rules. For more specifics please go to: For today’s purposes you can use your phone’s calculator, but a phone is not acceptable on the actual ACT.
S UGGESTIONS FOR COMPLETION Read the entire question first. If you think you can solve it, please try to solve it. After you solve the problem, look to see if your answer is one of the options. If you find one you don’t know how to solve, move on to the next problem. After you solve the ones you know, go back and complete the ones you missed. Never leave a question blank!
T ODAY ’ S P RACTICE You will be given 12 minutes to answer 12 questions. Please, write down your answers! Do not just click to see if you are correct! After the 12 minutes are up, please check your answers.