U.S. Department of the Interior ESF #11 Protection of Natural and Cultural Resources and Historic Properties Gregory Hogue.


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Presentation transcript:

U.S. Department of the Interior ESF #11 Protection of Natural and Cultural Resources and Historic Properties Gregory Hogue

NCH Resource Protection Natural Resources – Land, fish, wildlife, biota, and water Cultural Resources – Aspects of a cultural system that are valued by or significantly representative of a culture or that contain significant information about a culture. Historic Properties – Any prehistoric or historic district, site, building, structure, or object included in, or eligible for inclusion in the NRHP.

Protection of NCH Resources Appropriate response actions to conserve, rehabilitate, recover, and restore NCH resources threatened or affected by disasters and emergencies.

NCH Resources Responsibilities Coordinate NCH resources identification and vulnerability assessments Facilitate development and application of protection measures and strategies Coordinate compliance with Federal environmental laws, i.e., consultation w/ESA sec. 7 and NHPA sec. 106, and CWA section 404 permitting Assist in recovery actions to minimize damages to NCH resources

NCH Resources Responsibilities Coordinate with ESFs for response actions affecting NCH resources Coordinate with ESF 3 on emergency stabilization or recovery or restoration of shorelines, hillsides, riparian zones to protect NCH resources Provide Incident Management Teams to assist in NCH resources response and recovery actions

DOI Expertise Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Bureau of Reclamation (BurRec) Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) Geological Survey (USGS) Minerals Management Service (MMS) National Park Service (NPS) Office of Surface Mining (OSM)

NCH Support

Hurricane Katrina Katrina was first-ever activation of ESF 11-NCH Staff deployed to LA, MS, FL Assistance provided in support of compliance (7/106, NEPA), wetland delineation, collection management, historic preservation Project support debris removal, site identification and assessment for temp housing, historic preservation data management and spatial data stds for historic properties (GIS), tribal historic preservation consultation requirements Interagency agreement with FEMA to support Gulf Coast recovery activities and undertakings Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma wide ranging impacts required significant and sustained support

Hurricane Katrina Guidance on assessment, recovery and stabilization of historic sites, structures, and museum and archival collections Technical preservation assistance Historic preservation data management NHPA section 106 and 110 compliance assistance Evaluation of ecosystem impacts of water pumped from New Orleans into Lake Ponchartrain.

Post-2005 Season Gulf Coast Interagency Agreement –Dedicated DOI staff –Protection of NCH resources –Support FEMA recovery activities and undertakings in LA, MS and FL –Response actions to conserve, rehabilitate, recover and restore NCH resources –Review recovery projects ensure compliance with appropriate statutes, regulations, E.O.s

Post-2005 Season Nation-wide Interagency Agreement –On-going negotiations past 2-3 years –Provide DOI support to FEMA –Environmental and Historic Preservation Compliance Review –Collections Management Support –Environmental/Historic Preservation Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Data Management and Training Support –Expedited consultations with resource agencies

Hurricane Ike MA requesting environmental and historic preservation technical support for Public and Individual Assistance Programs Ensure compliance with all major federal environmental laws Coordinate with other federal agencies, develop disaster specific guidance, perform site reviews, and act as advisors to programs Provide technical support for placement of temporary facilities, identification of temporary debris staging areas, and removal of debris in sensitive areas including waterways and beaches Provide subject matter experts to include, T&E species biologist, Coastal Barrier Resources Act coordination and consultation, archaeology, architectural historian, wetlands, and NEPA

Hurricane Ike MA end date set to expire with no possibility of extension Interagency Agreement developed patterned after Gulf Coast agreement Reviewed by FEMA and DOI Issues identified during FEMA review Differences currently being addressed

Challenges Bureaucracy Funding Tour of duty MA Interagency Agreement

The Process

Conclusion DOI undergoing internal changes Process being reevaluated Ongoing discussions with FEMA Outreach to increase awareness

Thanks to Andrew Raddant, Boston REO, , Mike Chezik, Philadelphia REO, , Steve Spencer, Albuquerque REO, ,

??? Gregory Hogue Department of the Interior Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance