Technical aspects of the ATLAS efficiency & intensity upgrade Peter N. Ostroumov ATLAS Users Workshop, August 8-9, 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

Technical aspects of the ATLAS efficiency & intensity upgrade Peter N. Ostroumov ATLAS Users Workshop, August 8-9, 2009

P.N. Ostroumov ATLAS Efficiency & intensity upgradeAugust 8-9, Content Limitations of the current ATLAS configuration –Efficiency of CARIBU beams –High-intensity ion beams (~0.1 mA) ATLAS, >10x intensity upgrade –Phase I & II Phase I: ARRA funding –New CW RFQ –New  G =0.075 cryomodule –Upgrade of LHe distribution system Current technical developments related to AIP and ARRA –Linac design optimization –Prototyping the cavity sub-systems –Development of new QWR,  G =0.075 –RFQ: hardware development and test –SC cavity EM optimization and mechanical design –Initial studies of EBIS charge breeder for CARIBU

P.N. Ostroumov ATLAS Efficiency & intensity upgradeAugust 8-9, The goal Increase overall transmission of any ion beam including CARIBU radioactive beams to 80% as compared to the intensity of DC beam from the ion source or charge breeder Deliver ~5 MeV/u medium-intensity (~10 p  A), medium-mass ion beams for experiments related to the synthesis of superheavy elements Increase reliability and efficiency of the LHe distribution system Deliver full ATLAS energies at beam intensities of 1 p  A PHASE I, ARRA, $9.86M project Increase efficiency of charge breeding by using EBIS –For low intensity CARIBU beams (≤10 7 ions/sec) the efficiency can reach ~15% Produce and accelerate stable ions to 6-16 MeV/u (depending on Q/A) with intensity up to 10 p  A Increase existing ATLAS capabilities for low-intensity ion beams with improved acceleration efficiency (beam energies from 10.2 to 26 MeV/u) PHASE II, additional $35M

P.N. Ostroumov ATLAS Efficiency & intensity upgradeAugust 8-9, Efficiency and Intensity Limitations of the current ATLAS Previous generation ECR Low Energy Beam Transport Multi-Harmonic Buncher –Low voltage, strong space charge effects –As a result not efficient for high current beams (>10 p  A) Low transverse acceptance of the first PII cryostat –The aperture diameter of the first cavity is 15 mm, the second cavity – 19 mm –The transverse acceptance is ~0.6  mm-mrad, normalized –Strong transverse-longitudinal coupling in the first cavities at high field – emittance growth Longitudinal emittance growth –Non-adiabatic motion in the phase space, low acceptance, emittance growth for high-intensity beams and beam losses Beam steering in the split-ring cavities, especially for light ions RF system was not designed to compensate beam loading Cryogenics, Radiation Shielding, Control system, Beam diagnostics,….

P.N. Ostroumov ATLAS Efficiency & intensity upgradeAugust 8-9, CARIBU Tandem New cryomodule Current ATLAS Layout

P.N. Ostroumov ATLAS Efficiency & intensity upgradeAugust 8-9, Feasible solutions ECR: Upgrade existing ECR EBIS: Increase efficiency of CARIBU beams by factor of 2 and higher Low Energy Beam Transport: Re-design, more frequent focusing, possibly electrostatic Multi-Harmonic Buncher –Increase voltage (water cooling), move closer to the RF accelerator Low transverse acceptance of the first PII cryostat –Replace with the normal conducting RFQ accelerator Longitudinal emittance growth due to high accelerating fields –Adiabatic acceleration in the RFQ up to ~250 keV/u, no emittance growth Beam steering: Replace two Booster cryostats with new cryostat with 6 or 7 /4 cavities RF system was not designed to compensate beam loading: New couplers, new RF system Cryogenics, Shielding, Controls, Diagnostics,….Upgrade

P.N. Ostroumov ATLAS Efficiency & intensity upgradeAugust 8-9, Beam time structure and intensities Maintain MHz beam time structure – 80 ns between bunches In the following discussions: Low intensity ion beams (CARIBU) ≤ 0.1 p  A Medium intensity ion beams ~1.0 p  A (current ATLAS performance) High intensity ion beams ~10 p  A

P.N. Ostroumov ATLAS Efficiency & intensity upgradeAugust 8-9, CARIBU Gas cell + Mass Separator EBIS MHB RFQ MEBT 2 new cryomodules Energy upgrade cryomodule ATLAS High-Intensity Upgrade, PHASE II (Total $45M) 1)14 QWR,  G =0.075, f=72.75 MHz 2)EBIS charge breeder 3)Upgraded ECR 4)Gas cell and Mass Separator 2 Booster and 2 ATLAS cryomodules Available space for future experiments

P.N. Ostroumov ATLAS Efficiency & intensity upgradeAugust 8-9, Phase I: Beam energies as function of Q/A Q/AHigh Intensity Energy (MeV/u) Low Intensity Energy (MeV/u) 1/ / / / / / / Note: High intensity energy is before the booster Low intensity energy is the full energy 2 PII Cryo.  12 cavities (existing) 1 New Cryo.  MHz for β ~ (new) 3 Booster Cryo.  16 cavities (existing) 2 ATLAS Cryo.  12 cavities (existing) 1 Upgrade Cryo.  MHz for β ~ 0.15 (existing)

P.N. Ostroumov ATLAS Efficiency & intensity upgradeAugust 8-9, Phase I: Example Beams ZAQHigh Intensity Energy (MeV/u) Low Intensity Energy (MeV/u) Note: High intensity energy is before the booster Low intensity energy is the full energy

P.N. Ostroumov ATLAS Efficiency & intensity upgradeAugust 8-9, PII 1 New 3 Booster 2 ATLAS 1 Upgrade Phase I: Q/A = 1/7 - Cavity Voltage Profile

P.N. Ostroumov ATLAS Efficiency & intensity upgradeAugust 8-9, 2009 Phase II 2 PII Cryo.  12 cavities (existing) 2 New Cryo.  MHz for β ~ (new) 2 Booster Cryo.  12 cavities (existing) 2 ATLAS Cryo.  12 cavities (existing) 1 Upgrade Cryo.  MHz for β ~ 0.15 (existing) Q/AHigh Intensity Energy (MeV/u) Low Intensity Energy (MeV/u) 1/ / / / / / / Note: High intensity energy is before the booster Low intensity energy is the full energy

P.N. Ostroumov ATLAS Efficiency & intensity upgradeAugust 8-9, Phase II: Example Beams ZAQHigh Intensity Energy (MeV/u) Low Intensity Energy (MeV/u) Note: High intensity energy is before the booster Low intensity energy is the full energy

P.N. Ostroumov ATLAS Efficiency & intensity upgradeAugust 8-9, ATLAS Efficiency and Intensity Upgrade schedule (PHASE II)

P.N. Ostroumov ATLAS Efficiency & intensity upgradeAugust 8-9, CARIBU MHB RFQ MEBT New cryomodule Energy upgrade cryomodule ATLAS High-Intensity Upgrade: PHASE I (ARRA) 1)Modify PII-1, install RFQ 2)  G =0.075, f=72.75 MHz – one cryomodule 3)LHe system upgrade

P.N. Ostroumov ATLAS Efficiency & intensity upgradeAugust 8-9, PHASE I – ARRA Build new RFQ to boost beam energy to ~250 keV/u for q/A=1/7 –80% efficiency of bunching and acceleration, upgrade MHB –Capable to accelerate 1 mA beams Build a new cryomodule with ~6 SC cavities,  G =0.075 –Capable to accelerate 1 mA beams –New high-power coupler –Based on design of the Energy Upgrade Cryomodule Modify the first cryomodule of the PII Remove the first 2 cryomodules of the Booster (  G =0.06 cavities) Upgrade LHe distribution system: higher efficiency and reliability

P.N. Ostroumov ATLAS Efficiency & intensity upgradeAugust 8-9, Multi-Harmonic Buncher, 58 Ni 15+, 35.7 keV/u ATLAS: 10 meters between the MHB and the RF Linac After the MHB Low current (<1 p  A) 0.5 mA MHB - RF Linac distance is 3.5 m

P.N. Ostroumov ATLAS Efficiency & intensity upgradeAugust 8-9, /7≤q/A≤ 1 Injection energy = 30 keV/u MHz, 5 th harmonic, ~3.0-meter length 80% efficiency of beam capture for acceleration Voltage ~90 kV, R 0 =7.5 mm High-temperature furnace brazing ~100 kW RF power 2 circuits of temperature-stabilized water-cooling systems RFQ

P.N. Ostroumov ATLAS Efficiency & intensity upgradeAugust 8-9, MHz RFQ will be very similar to the FRIB prototype Pre-brazed assembly Prototype RFQ Stable operation in wide dynamic range of RF power –The highest voltage is 91 kV (limited by available RF power) Q-factor: Simulation = 9300, Measured = meter long RFQ will provide ~250 keV/u ion beams, Q/A  1/7 Fabrication technology: High-T furnace brazing, OFE copper

P.N. Ostroumov ATLAS Efficiency & intensity upgradeAugust 8-9, % captured to the central bunch

P.N. Ostroumov ATLAS Efficiency & intensity upgradeAugust 8-9, ARRA: new cryomodule with MHz, β G =0.075 Electromagnetic optimization is complete Reduced B PEAK /E ACC Reduced E PEAK /E ACC Expected performance –V MAX = 2.5 MV –B PEAK = 600 Gs –E PEAK = 45 MV/m About 50% better performance than the ATLAS Upgrade Cryomodule 25 cm cm 3 cm 14 cm

P.N. Ostroumov ATLAS Efficiency & intensity upgradeAugust 8-9, Couplers Existing ATLAS couplers (≤ 1 kW) Proposed high-power (~10 kW) capacitive coupler

P.N. Ostroumov ATLAS Efficiency & intensity upgradeAugust 8-9, Tuners AEU pneumatic slow tuner: excellent performance Replace VCX with piezoelectric tuner –Can handle higher accelerating gradients Piezoelectric fast tuner, tested on spoke cavities

P.N. Ostroumov ATLAS Efficiency & intensity upgradeAugust 8-9, Current activities on new ARRA-RFQ project Project documentation –WBS –Schedule – off-line commissioning in June 2012 –Implementation Plan Study of the transmission of high-intensity beams through the PII, beam steering, transverse acceptance. Design optimization of the accelerator –LEBT, RFQ, matching to the PII cryostat RFQ prototype –Modify RF coupler with additional cooling and test –Build slug tuners, install and test EM simulations of the RFQ resonator –Accurate frequency calculation –Minimize length and RF power

P.N. Ostroumov ATLAS Efficiency & intensity upgradeAugust 8-9, Frequency verification: Simulations vs Experiment

P.N. Ostroumov ATLAS Efficiency & intensity upgradeAugust 8-9, RFQ Test high-power coupler (~120 kW) with an additional cooling Build and test slug tuners

P.N. Ostroumov ATLAS Efficiency & intensity upgradeAugust 8-9, Current activities on new ARRA: Booster replacement project Develop and prototype QWR, f=72.75 MHz cavity. The following features will be implemented: –Highly optimized EM design –SC cavities with “beam steering compensation” –New approach for electropolishing of QWRs –Develop and test adjustable (1-1/2”) capacitive coupler to handle ~10 kW RF power. –Develop piezoelectric tuner Apply the vast experience gained during the ATLAS Energy Upgrade cryomodule

P.N. Ostroumov ATLAS Efficiency & intensity upgradeAugust 8-9, ATLAS Energy Upgrade Cryomodule

P.N. Ostroumov ATLAS Efficiency & intensity upgradeAugust 8-9, ATLAS Energy Upgrade Cavities are ready to drop into the box cryostat

P.N. Ostroumov ATLAS Efficiency & intensity upgradeAugust 8-9, New coupler (cm) Double window: cold and warm

P.N. Ostroumov ATLAS Efficiency & intensity upgradeAugust 8-9, Prototyping Fast piezoelectric tuner Capacitive coupler Use the existing half-wave resonator and new test cryostat

P.N. Ostroumov ATLAS Efficiency & intensity upgradeAugust 8-9, MHz 20 kW CW amplifier is available both for the test of the RFQ segments and can be retuned to 72 MHz for conditioning of SC QWRs Was purchased for testing of the prototype RFQ

P.N. Ostroumov ATLAS Efficiency & intensity upgradeAugust 8-9, Charge Breeder based on EBIS for CARIBU beams Low intensity of CARIBU beams allows us to efficiently apply EBIS for charge breeding. Compared to ECR: –Factor of 2-3 higher efficiency –Significantly higher purity EBIS parameters are less demanding than the BNL EBIS Major challenges are –precise alignment of electron and ion beam required –achieve high acceptance and short breeding times BEBISLEBT From CARIBU Mass-Separator To ATLAS Post- Accelerator 1+ (2+) Q+ Q/A  1/7 A= B: RFQ Buncher EBIS: Electron Beam Ion Source LEBT: Low Energy Beam Transport EBIS charge breeder design is based on BNL Test-EBIS: Double e-gun approach: 2A/5 kV and 0.2A/2 kV Electron beam current density – 300 A/cm 2 (BNL – 575 A/cm 2 ) Breeding time – 30 – 40 ms Efficiency ~ 15%, can be higher by factor of 2-3 when shell closure effect is applicable

P.N. Ostroumov ATLAS Efficiency & intensity upgradeAugust 8-9, EBIS R&D for the CARIBU beams In collaboration with BNL –Build low-emittance 1+ injector, beam diagnostics for breeding efficiency measurements for low-intensity beams –Study shell closure effects at the BNL test-EBIS. For this purpose ANL will build low-current, high-perveance electron gun

P.N. Ostroumov ATLAS Efficiency & intensity upgradeAugust 8-9, Summary of upgraded ATLAS ion beams and future activities (no stripping is assumed) PHASE IPHASE II Energies of high intensity beams (~10 p  A) 5.4 MeV/u (1/4 ≤ Q/A) to 9 MeV/u 6.1 MeV/u (1/7 ≤ Q/A) 16 MeV/u Energies of low intensity beams (~1 p  A) 8.1 – 21.4 MeV/u MeV/u Transmission efficiency of CARIBU beams 80% Major upgrades1)New CW RFQ 2)A new cryomodule of beta=0.075 QWR 3)Improve LHe distribution system 1)Upgraded ECR for stable beams, higher intensities 2)EBIS charge breeder 3)One more cryomodule of beta=0.075 QWR 4)Relocated SRF, upgrade of ATLAS sub-systems 5)New experimental equipment

P.N. Ostroumov ATLAS Efficiency & intensity upgradeAugust 8-9, Conclusion The Physics Division has developed detailed plan for future ATLAS upgrade –PHASE I – two ARRA projects –ARRA-funded ATLAS upgrade is based on R&D results performed for FRIB, ATLAS AIP –We are in the stage of preliminary design for both ARRA projects Schedule: –Commissioning of the RFQ – efficiency upgrade – September 2012 –Commissioning of the Booster replacement cryomodule – high-intensity medium mass beams – December PHASE II is not funded yet, can be completed by the end of 2013 if the funds become available in FY10.