Chapter 13
Habits that have gotten out of control, with a resulting negative effect on a person’s health. Addiction is the habitual use of a drug produced chemical changes in the user’s body. Drug Addiction (four important characteristics) 1. Compulsive desire 2. Need to increase the dosage 3. Harmful effects to the individual 4. Harm to society 2
Often starts to bring pleasure or to avoid pain. Harmless or even beneficial if done in moderation Examples of addictive behaviors: Gambling Compulsive Exercising Work Addiction Sex and love addiction Compulsive buying or shopping Internet addiction Characteristics of people with addition (e.g., risk takers or genetic disposition) 3
Drugs are chemicals other than food that are intended to affect the structure or function of the body Prescription medicines Over-the-counter substances Caffeine Tobacco Alcohol Illegal substances 4
The APA’s Diagnostics and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders – authoritative reference Abuse APA definition Failure to fulfill major responsibilities Drug use in situations that are hazardous Drug related legal problems Drug use despite persistent social or interpersonal problems Physically dependent may or may not present 5
Substance dependence 1. Developing tolerance to the substance 2. Experiencing withdrawal 3. Taking in larger amounts 4. Expressing a persistent desire to cut down 5. Spending great deal of time obtaining 6. Giving up or reducing important activities 7. Continual usage even with recognition of a problem Diagnosed with at least 3 or more symptoms during a 12-month period 6
All income and education levels All ethnic groups All ages Young people are at a higher risk Males (Twice as likely) Troubled adolescent Thrill-seeker Dysfunctional families Peer group or family that accepts Low Socio-economical status Dating young 7
Experiment Escape Reliance Magnification of residence (i.e. the need for escape from poverty becomes more compelling) 8
Psychological risks Difficulty in controlling impulses Strong need for excitement Feelings of rejection Hostility Aggression Anxiety Mental illness Dual (co-occurring disorders) 9
Social Factors Growing up in a family with drug abuse Peer group Poverty 10
Intoxication Side effects Unknown drug constituents Risks associated with injection drug use Legal consequences 11
Changes in Brain chemistry Drug factors: Pharmacological properties Dose-Response function Time-action function Drug use history Method of use (e.g., inhalation, injection, ingest) 12
13 Opioids (narcotics) Natural or synthetic (laboratory-made) Opium, morphine, heroin, methadone, codeine, hydrocodone, oxycodone, meperidine, and fentanly Effects on the body: induced euphoria Methods of administration Injection, snorting, sniffing or smoking Symptoms of overdose: respiratory depression, coma, constriction of the pupils, or death.
15 Slow down the overall activity of the CNS Sedative-hypnotics Types: barbiturates, valium, methaqualone, GHB Effects on the body: reduce anxiety, impair muscle coordination, induce drowsiness Medical uses: Treat insomnia and anxiety disorders; control seizures From use to abuse (“Club Drugs”) Overdosing may result in respiratory complications
16 Speed up the activity of the nervous or muscular system Cocaine Methods of use (snort or injection) Effects (euphoria sensation for ~5 to 20 minutes) Use during pregnancy (consequences include: miscarriage, premature labor, stillbirth, and low-birth-weight baby)
18 Amphetamines Effects (increase in alertness) Dependence (may lead to the development of a temporary state of paranoid psychosis or delusion) Ritalin (used to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, ADHD) Ephedrine (a less potent form of amphetamines) Caffeine
21 Cannabis Sativa THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) Short term effects and uses: euphoria, increases in sensation, relaxed attitude Long-term effects and uses: respiratory damage such as impaired lung function and chronic bronchial irritation
23 Altered state of consciousness, perceptions, feelings and thoughts LSD, Mascaline, DMT, MDMA, Ketamine, PCP (angel dust), and certain mushrooms Altered states of consciousness Flashbacks are perceptual distortions and bizarre thoughts that occur after the drug has been entirely eliminated from the body.
Nearly all inhalants produce effects similar to those of anesthetics, slow down the bodies functions Volatile solvents Nitrates Anesthetics Methods of use Sniffing Snorting “Bagging” “Huffing” 24
Medication-assisted treatment Drug substitution Treatment centers Self-help groups and peer counseling Harm reduction strategies Codependency 25
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