Welcome to the first in a series of briefing notes prepared by NES to provide stakeholders with the most up-to-date information available on the project.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to the first in a series of briefing notes prepared by NES to provide stakeholders with the most up-to-date information available on the project. The project was initiated by NES in 2010 and is sponsored by the Medical Schools -via the Scottish Deans Medical Education Group (SDMEG), PG Deaneries -via the NES Medical Department Executive Team (MDET) and NHS Board DMEs – via the DME Group. The following objective was agreed with stakeholders: A detailed implementation plan to support the proposals is to be agreed with key stakeholders. Contact details for more information on any part of the project or to provide feed-back are shown at the end of this document. Medical Faculty Development for Scotland Briefing Note: May 2011 Page 1 “To prepare a Faculty Development Plan for Scotland which joins together the requirements of undergraduate and postgraduate medical education supported by detailed programmes which meet the needs of the Medical Schools, PG Deaneries and the service”. Working Groups The project plan is based around the development of four working groups to support the project:  Working Group 1 is to prepare a framework document which sets out the core competencies which would be required by all teachers and trainers. The group is chaired by Dr Michael Ross, Edinburgh University.  Working Group 2, which is chaired by Prof Alastair McGowan, PG Dean West, aims to develop a suite of faculty development programmes which can provide the basis for a blended approach of face-to-face and e-learning teaching according to local needs. In the longer term the group will consider standards to determine successful completion of training and academic accreditation for trainers.  Dr Emma Watson, DME NHS Highland, has agreed to chair Working Group 3 on behalf of DMEs. The aim of this group is to prepare a detailed implementation plan and to secure the agreement of the service.  NES has been considering the detailed remit for Working Group 4 which is to develop a national electronic recording system to support the project. NES is reviewing this concept alongside the development of other national systems for revalidation and appraisal and e-portfolios.

Briefing Note: May 2011Page 2 Current Status  A draft competency framework has been prepared by WG 1 based on a detailed review of the guidance issued by the GMC as well as other expert guidance and policy in this area.  The draft framework is being prioritised to differentiate between those immediate priority competencies that should apply to all existing doctors and those competencies which would be expected to apply to future teachers and trainers. Further prioritisation is also being carried out to consider which competencies are priority for all medical staff delivering teaching or training and which competencies may be more relevant for specialist teaching or training roles.  An on-line survey is being developed to consult with all teachers and trainers in Scotland on the proposals and to assist in undertaking the prioritisation exercise.  WG 2 has been mapping existing faculty development programmes currently available and developing a matrix of teaching roles and remits. The group is also considering additional competencies required for specialist teaching roles. Contact Details/Feedback/Register for future briefings General queries and feed-back – Jayne Scott: Working Group 1 – Michael Ross: Working Group 2 – Alastair McGowan: Working Group 3 – Emma Watson: Links with GMC work-streams At the same time as this work is being taken forward, the GMC have established a Task and Finish group to consider a National Framework for Approval of Trainers. This group is aiming to complete its work by the end of Professor McGowan is part of the GMC group. The work of the NES Working Group 1 group has already been shared with the GMC and will continue to stay closely aligned.