1 The Open Training Platform Information Society Division UNESCO.


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Presentation transcript:

1 The Open Training Platform Information Society Division UNESCO

2 Knowledge for development We started from development needs and exploit to technology as a tool Assumption 1: knowledge is at the core of development Assumption 2: sustainable development implies Knowledge creation Knowledge preservation Knowledge sharing (with capacity building / skills aquisition)

3 Human Capitals and Productivity Reduced Poverty Micro economic growth and local development Family Health and Nutrition Personal Development Societal Development Training Capacity building impact on local development

4 The situation in capacity building resource sharing? Observation 1: Most of the learning resources produced by development stakeholders at large are growing, free and often open. There is an amazing number of access centres, trainers, specialized groups and decision makers in the LDCs with significant learning needs in all domains. This “learning offer” (training materials) does not always meet the “learning demand”: A collaborative sharing space was needed, tailored to the reality of trainers and learners.

5 Be global to better serve individuals Observation 2: No central access point to resources but thematic specialized portals A farmer: your learning needs are not limited to agriculture but you would be concered by other issue such as malaria, literacy, drought. A local trainer: the people you train have multiple learning needs What was needed was a portal gathering what they need in one place from the local user perspective

6 The OTP It fit beautifully in UNESCO’s mandate and added value. The Open Training Platform was therefore launched for the development stakeholders worldwide to join forces and better serve local and specialized communities by providing access and unlock opportunities to learn to improve living conditions.

7 Which resources? The OTP members share training materials: Any organized, educational content for knowledge transmission outside the framework of the formal education system to provide selected types of learning by which every person can acquire and accumulate knowledge, skills, attitudes and insights, using formal programmes of instructional methods and techniques having an electronic format: - Self training courses including elearning courses -Courses for face to face training -Guidelines for trainers

8 21 key domains covered with 1200 shared training courses  Adult Literacy  Agriculture  Community development  Computer science and information management  Culture  Development aid  Education and pedagogy  Employment  Engineering  Entrepreneurship, economy and sustainable development  Environment  Gender issues  Government policy  Health and sanitation  Knowledge of every day life  Languages  Legal issues  Management  Media and communication  Social problems  HIV-AIDS

9 Free content, advocating open Free: All the training ressources on the OTP are free Open: the OTP heavily encourage each training submitter to opt for an open solution allowing localization of the resources. When materials are not open (such as UN ones) the copyright holder is available to be contacted directly and asked for use / localisation permission Finally, the OTP team replies to precise needs expressed for training which are not on the OTP.

10 Materials shared by 680 members Development stakeholders committed to capacity building for development already embarked on the Open Training Platform: -UN agencies (UNESCO, UNDP, UNIDO, ILO, UNEP, FAO, UNITAR, WFP, UNCTAD, UNAIDS, WHO, UN Habitat, OCHA and ITU) -Development agencies -NGOs, foundations and associations worldwide.

11 Knowledge management tool For all these development stakeholder, the OTP serves as a knowledge management tool: avoiding duplications maximizing existing resources circulation enhancing inter agencies cooperation

12 To better serve local communities Local communities: human groups sharing a limited territory and involved in related aspects of livelihoods — such as managing natural resources, producing knowledge and culture, and developing productive technologies and practices, having direct mutual influences in their daily life. The OTP is in contact with a vast and ever increasing number of local community support initiatives proposing learning facilities such as Knowledge Centres, CLCs, CMCs, IT kiosks, village resource centres, telecentres, e-villages, education or cultural centers, knowledge centres, etc. (contact inventory constantly updated)

13 and specialized groups for development Specialized communities: (or communities of interest) are groups of individuals having common interests and common needs in a specialized domain (professional or intellectual) whose members engage in joint activities and discussions. A significant part of the OTP materials are relevant for specialists such as trainers, educators, decision makers & policy makers, entrepreneurs, farmers, scientists, media people, information specialists, cultural actors (artists, handicrafts), health specialists, environment specialists, development & social worker, civil servants, etc.

14 Let me show you…

15 Results after 6 months UN agencies officially join as UN Members like ITU, UNITAR, FAO, WHO and the International Training Centre (ILO) A growing number NGOs are using it 630 members registered, over 1200 training shared The Swedish agency SPIDER and IDRC joined the UN Partners in the Advisory Board

16 What next? The OTP has major challenges ahead: Making it known amomg local and specialized communities New language versions Offer OTP personalised interface for specialized working communities An ongoing process, new resources, new members, constant awareness efforts, ever improving tech solutions, opening up cooperation

17 It is free, visited by a growing number of visitors. Post your training resources, rate others’, use it for knowledge management purposes, tailor it for your own network. It’s a tool at the service of each.


19 Capacity building : « activities which strengthen the knowledge, abilities, skills and behaviour of individuals and improve institutional structures and processes such that the organization can efficiently meet its mission and goals in a sustainable way."