Support for the development, formulation, monitoring and evaluation of sectorial policies Durban, 9th september, 2015 Baudouin Michel Director of ERAIFT
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slide 3 ERAIFT IN FIGURES 9 promotions 208 staff trained to date 196 Master 12 PhD Strong support from EU, Be, WBI, JICA,AfDB,. 54 students are currently being trained - 32 future Master (2016) - 22 PhD NATIONAL AND REGIONAL TRAINING More than 200 trainees Congo,DRC, Gabon, Cameroon,Kenya, Chad… Land management, agroforestry, human resource management, results-based management, cost benefit analysis, research funding, program and project evaluation methods, calculation of the Total Economic Value of Protected Areas, GIS certification, governance environmental, tools to manage evaluation ERAIFT, created in 1999, managed by UNESCO,provides post graduated Master 2 and PhD. Students coming from different professional backgrounds, complementary experiences and from 23 countries, in Central Africa, West Africa and the Indian Ocean. Teaching is in French but will become bilingual (French / English) in the coming years.
The challenge of capacity and mission of ERAIFT According to capacity building needs’ assessment, conducted by ERAIFT, it was clear that 3 areas were limited or not covered by the existing supply of training and by the current coaching for researchers : 1. Strengthening capacities for formulating, monitoring and evaluation of national policies in land use, in rural development, for Environment, for Nature Conservation and for Forestry, targeting the stakeholders responsible for developing and implementing policy in land use, in rural development, for Environment, for Nature Conservation and for Forestry;
The challenge of capacity and mission of ERAIFT 2. The implementation and supervision of action/research programs to evaluate quantitatively and qualitatively the impact of the policies on the sustainability of the environmental resources used by poor people and the effective reduction of the rural poverty; 3. Strengthening the capacity of policy makers and policy deciders,at the national and provincial level,as MP, local politicians, members of boards of national and regional administrations, … for formulation, monitoring and evaluation of policies on land use, rural development, environment, and forests."
ERAIFT has developed specific programmes and tools to face these 3 challenges:
1. The management and funding of PhD students and researchers developing in DRC and partners countries of the ERAIFT, topics focused on quantitative and qualitative assessment of the impact of policies implemented in the field of land use, rural development, environment, conservation of nature and forests(22 PhD) The challenge of capacity and mission of ERAIFT (2)
The challenge of capacity and mission of ERAIFT 2. Strengthening capacities for formulating, monitoring and evaluation of national policies in land use, in rural development, for Environment, for Nature Conservation and for Forestry, targeting the future responsible for developing and implementing policy in land use, in rural development, for Environment, for Nature Conservation and for Forestry: THE SYSTEMIC APPROACH promoted by ERAIFT: Master 2 : 196 students trained,32 future Master(2016) being trained
The challenge of capacity and mission of ERAIFT associated countries and origin students of ERAIFT
The relevance of the Systemic approach promoted by ERAIFT The challenge of capacity and mission of ERAIFT (3) Development of agriculture on slash and burn coupled to a shortening of fallow Unsustainable supply of urban fuel wood and charcoal in a context of widespread rural poverty Main causes of deforestation and forest degradation
……………but also: A population growth Poverty In DRC, it remaining close 3 percent a year Incidence of rural poverty is greater than the incidence of urban poverty, especially in the most remote areas, reaching in some rural areas 90 percent The challenge of capacity and mission of ERAIFT (4)
Analyze these problems in their causes, their interactions and interdisciplinary and intersectorial perspectives The challenge of capacity and mission of ERAIFT(5)
The causality chain 13 InputOutputImpactOutcome The focus of the current approach The focus of traditional approach
3. Train experts, policy makers, policy deciders able to contribute to the formulation monitoring and evaluation of national policies The challenge of capacity and mission of ERAIFT(6) A success story: TOT for18 High Level managers of ICCN able to implement tools and methods for the calculation of the Total economic value of the Congolese National Parks
Total Economic value (TEV) 15 Total economic value Use value Non-use value Direct use value Indirect use value Option value Existenc e value Bequest value Less tangible
The challenge of capacity and mission of ERAIFT (5) Mining oil production
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