GENERAL ASSEMBLY OVERVIEW I.Team Goals and Expectations II.TR Soccer Program Overview III.Finances IV.Registration & Fees V.Fun-Raising VI.Volunteer Opportunities VII.New Logo & Gear
TEAM GOALS AND EXPECTATIONS Respect Time Management Sisterhood (of the traveling soccer pants) No Drama Communication Student Athlete 24 hour rule
TR SOCCER PROGRAM OVERVIEW TR supports and pays to have an extra team so all girls can play Only school to support a Goalie Coach We take care of our own fields (Coach Par is the official John Deere driver) TR spends time conditioning players prior to season There is actually only one team at TR, it just happens to have almost 75 players on it We are ranked 6 th in 5A with a highest player GPA More Importantly: As a TR Soccer Player, you are more important off the field then you are on it!
OUR 2015 TR GIRLS SOCCER STAFF Chris Smith Casey Willett Elliott Thorpe (Goal Keeping) Mike Parsons Megan McIver Dennis Wagner (Director of Fitness) Danielle Hir Managers: Kimmie Dunlay & Jana Lucas Fan Wear Coordinator: Lisa Jacobs
TR GIRLS SOCCER FINANCES Where Does Our Money Go? Field Up Keep Uniforms Equipment Winter Conditioning Camp Indoor Soccer Buses Referees Maintaining a 4 th Team All of the finances are managed by GBBC (Grizzly Bear Backer Club)
REGISTRATION & FEES Due by December 1 st : Winter Camp Fees $ Indoor Soccer & Conditioning: $ Winter Retreat: $75.00 Medical Release Form Sports Physical Form Due By March 1 st (after Team Formations): Program Dues: $ District Fees: $150.00
COMMUNITY EVENTS & FUN-RAISING Good News!!! There is: NO MORE DOOR “2 DOOR” (coffee, candles, pizza kits, etc.) NO MORE CONCESSION DUTIES Instead We Have 3 Community Events Opportunities: King Soopers Cards- Each player family puts $500 per month on a King Soopers Gift Card between November 2014-April 2015, we will fundraise $125 per athlete. ARC Spring Donation Drive : In March/April we will work in conjunction with ARC to collect bags of donation items. For each “King Soopers” sized bag we collect, we will receive $1 back to the program. We ask that each player help bring in at least 25 bags. On their own or through friends and/or family. GBBC Memberships : Blue/Green-$25, Silver -$100, Gold- $250, Platinum - $400 Membership levels allow our families to become members of the Non-Profit 501(c)(3) booster club of TRHS. 90% directly benefits the program and members.
COORDINATOR OPPORTUNITIES NEEDED -ARC Community Days (See Jana Lucas) -Banquet Committee (See Kimmie Cominsky) -Senior Night (Freshmen Parents) (See Lisa Jacobs) -Retreat Chaperones -Team Parent (once teams have been formed)
NEW LOGO & LIMITED TIME FAN GEAR All Fan Gear Wear is Ordered and Delivered Straight To Your Door By Soccer Stop!
TR SOCCER GONE BLING!!! Please see Lisa Jacobs for all “Bling” orders