Direct Reduction Iron Plant Group Golf Selimos, Blake A. Arrington, Deisy C. Sink, Brandon Ciarlette, Dominic F. (Scribe) Advisor : Orest Romaniuk
Table of Contents Slide 3 – Previous Questions Slide 4 – Design Basis Slide 5 – Block Flow Diagram Slide 6 – Overall ASPEN Simulation Slide 7 – Flow Diagram 1 Slide – Flow Diagram 2 Slide – Flow Diagram 3 Slide – Flow Diagram 4 Slide – Energy Sinks and Loads Slide – Sizing, Cost, and Utilities Slide – Summary, and Work in progress
Previous Questions What type of catalyst will we be using in the primary reformer? What is the lowest purity of oxygen the oxygen fuel booster can operate with? Impurity concerns iron ore feed.
Design Basis mmlbmols/day of natural gas feedstock will be supplied for process from Gas Treatment Plant; natural gas is the main source for Carbon for the reformer Supply the back-end CO 2 to Industrial Gases Plant, mmlbmols/day Air Separations and Syngas Plant will supply mmlbmols/day of O 2 for the Oxy Booster in ration (0.9 O 2 : 0.1 N 2 )
Block Flow Diagram
Overall ASPEN Simulation
Flow Diagram 1 Heat Exchangers & Primary Reformer Feed + Recycle Goig to Ejector Air coming from air blower Gas heatedGoing to Oxy booster CH4Recycle gas to combustion Heated gas Gas to combustion CO2 Removal CH4, H2, CO, CO2, H20, N2 CO2, H2O, N2 N2, O2CH4, H2, CO, CO2, H20, N2 CH4, H2, CO, CO2, N2 CH4, N2CH4, H2, CO, CO2, H20, N2, O2 CO2, H2O, N2 CH4, H2, CO, CO2, H20, N2 CH4, H2, CO, H20, N2
Flow Diagram 2 Oxygen Fuel Booster 420 F 14.7 psi 724 F 14.7 psi 1878 F 14.7 psi 1650 F 75 psi 180 F 14.7 psi 438 F 14.7 psi 180 F 75 psi 615 F 14.7 psi 1076F 75 psi 180 F 75 psi 77 F 14.7 psi FEEDINFEEDOUTAIRTOCOMBUSREDUX1EHAUST1EXHAUST (2&3) Fe2O Fe CH H CO CO H2O N H2S C o C C Total flow ,
Energy Sinks and loads 1650 F 75 psi 1076F 75 psi 438 F 8 psi 1878 F 14.7 psi Q= - 28 mmBtu/hrQ= 28 mmBtu/hr
Energy Sinks and loads 1076 F 75 psi 724 F 14.7 psi 180 F 75 psi 1878 F 14.7 psi 724 F 14.7 psi 420 F 14.7 psi 77 F 14.7 psi 1650 F 75 psi Q=26,739,452 Btu/hrQ=112,699,282 Btu/hr
Energy Sources and Sinks
Equipment Sizing Equipment Heat Duty (mmBtu/day)Size (ft 2 ) Feed Heat Exchanger Air Heat Exchanger Reformer (foot print) Primary Reformer Tubes: 10 in. Diameter, 26 ft. length f = Maximum heat flux thorough tube walls = 21,000 Btu/ft 2 *hr d = Heat duty through primary reformer (from Aspen) = 279,515,872 Btu/hr a = Total needed surface area of reformer tubes = d/f = 14,167 ft 2 t = a /73 ft 2 per tube = 194 tubes needed
Cost Production (ton/yr)1,840,000 Production cost ($/ton) Materials, Utilities, Transportation, Wages 295 Product Sell Price ($/ton)425 Profit per ton ($/ton)130 Total profit per Year ($)239,920,000
Transportation Costs By Rail For Feed/Product Basis of 1.84mm ton produced 5,041 (ton/day) Average rail car holds 80tons. With a maximum load per train of approximately 15,000ton and 150 cars Plant will need a train every 2days of approximately 130 cars. Average cost to ship by rail 0.03($/ton mile) Assuming a discounted rate of 25% for large volume of material transported. Using northeast Minnesota for iron oxide source and northwest Indiana for product shipment. Cost to ship 23.00($/ton) to ship product 12.00($/ton) import raw material.
Shipping/Storage Installed equipment cost for a private rail line with loading/unloading site at our capacity will be around 15mil Storage facility with installed in-loading/out- loading conveyor system, a negative pressure dust/ climate management system, and a 150ton capacity will cost around 10mil
Summary, and Work in progress