Final seminar of the ELECT project Copenhagen, Denmark 21th-22th September /10/2015 Project manager Ville Grönberg1 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for anyuse which may be made of the information contained therein.
The Elect project European Learning Communities for People with Mental Illness The Elect project has set out to strengthen Clubhouses as learning communities and promoted access to education and the labour market for people recovering from mental illnesses. 08/10/2015 Project manager Ville Grönberg2
ELECT working groups were (Work packages): Activation and motivation Support methods for education Training of trainers Quality and evaluation 08/10/2015 Project manager Ville Grönberg3
Project Consortium 1.Stakes - National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health (FI) – Coordinator (THL from ) 2.Swedish Fountain House / Clubhouse of Stockholm. Sweden (Lead partner) 3.Fountain House Fonden / Copenhagen Clubhouse & Kildehuset Aalborg. Danmark (Lead partner) 4.Mosaic Clubhouse. United Kingdom (Lead partner) 5.Ersta Sköndal University College. Sweden (Lead partner) 6.German Speaking Clubhouse Coalition 7.Finnish Fountain House Coalition (Suvimäki & Imatra Clubhouse). Finland 8.Foundation Fountain, Fountain House in Oslo. Norway 9.Klúbburin Geysir. Iceland 10.Helsinki Clubhouses registered association. Finland 11.Stiftelsen Vänskap och arbete, Fontänhuset Org. Malmö 12.Caledonia Clubhouse/Scottish Clubhouse Coalition. United Kingdom 13.ICCD – International Center for Clubhouse development (Associated partner) 08/10/2015 Project manager Ville Grönberg4
ELECT activities November 2007, Steering Group meeting In Helsinki 3th-5 th March 2008, Kick-off meeting in Malmö, Sweden 5 th -6 th June 2008 project meeting, Helsinki, Finland 3th-5th November 2008 project meeting, Munich, Germany 23th-27th March 2009 ELECT pilot training, Mosaic Clubhouse, London UK March-May 2009, ELECT E-learning course, Suvimäki Clubhouse Finland 30th-31th March 2009, Project meeting, London UK 21th-22th September 2009 Final seminar, Copenhagen Denmark 08/10/2015 Project manager Ville Grönberg5
ELECT project outcomes 08/10/2015 Project manager Ville Grönberg6
ELECT project outcomes 08/10/2015 Project manager Ville Grönberg7 “The aim of this manual is to create/raise consciousness about possible and necessary considerations on opportunities and choices when establishing a study support programme in the framework of a Clubhouse.”
ELECT project outcomes 08/10/2015 Project manager Ville Grönberg8 WHO IS IT FOR? The Facilitator’s Guide is designed to be used by Clubhouse members and staff who will be delivering the Supported Education Training to other Clubhouse members and staff. HOW TO USE The Guide provides facilitators with all the information required to deliver the Supported Education Training Course.
ELECT project outcomes 08/10/2015 Project manager Ville Grönberg9 ELECT CD-rom The ELECT project CD-rom includes All project results in electronic format. CD will be published in the end of October 2009 ELECT website DRAFT version DRAFT version
After the ELECT project ”ELECT 2 project” – ElecNET proposal did not get funding from EU New proposal? Lifelong learning call for proposals 2010 will close by the end of February /10/2015 Project manager Ville Grönberg10
Congratulations Big thanks to everyone who have been involved in the successful ELECT project during the two years!!!! 08/10/2015 Project manager Ville Grönberg11