Diabetes Self-Management Program
Program Master Trainers Jan Cobia, RN BSN Population Health & Disease Management Coordinator Sarah Krause, RN BSN Population Health & Disease Management Coordinator
Diabetes Self-Management Overview Program was designed by the Stanford Patient Education Research Center Network Health started offering it in 2009 Community delivered 8-16 people per group Two and half hours per week for six weeks Led by two trainers, one or both with diabetes, who share knowledge and experiences with others in a way that many health care workers cannot. Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions workbook and relaxation CD is used (same as CDSMP).
Differences of Chronic Condition and Diabetes Workshops Session 1, Activity 3: What is Diabetes? Session 1, Activity 4: Monitoring Session 1, Activity 5: Introduction to Healthy Eating Session 2, Activity 2: Formula for a Healthy Eating Plan Session 2, Activity 3: Preventing Low Blood Sugar: Hypoglycemia
Differences of Chronic Condition and Diabetes Workshops Session 3, Activity 2: Preventing or Delaying Complications Session 3, Activity 3: Planning Low Fat Meals Session 3, Activity 5: Dealing with Stress Session 4, Activity 3: Reading Nutrition Labels Session 6, Activity 2: Strategies for Sick Days Session 6, Activity 3: Foot Care
Marketing CDSMP and DSMP Seasonal workshop schedules Individual clinic site cards Class recommendation pad Newspaper article/class listings Brochures/posters Network Health quarterly newsletters Radio announcements Nurse practitioner monthly meetings Medical homes
Marketing CDSMP and DSMP Electronic health record Fox Valley Diabetes Educational and Support Group Health fairs – Diabetes Expo Medicare Appreciation Days Internet/intranet sites Social media Wellness programs (points toward yearly reward)/occupational health – employer groups Sales – insurance brokers/agents
Program Participation 2009 – May 2012 Living Well with Diabetes – 318 graduates 2008 – May 2012 Living Well with Chronic Conditions – 312 graduates Chronic condition active lay leaders – 21 Dual active leaders – 10
Diabetes Rewards Program Started in January 2010 Commercial members only – years old Designed to encourage participation in screenings and other services to benefit health Benchmarks: A1c less than 7 LDL-C less than 100 Blood pressure of 130/80 or less Annual kidney screening Dilated retinal eye exam
Diabetes Rewards Program If a participant meets four of the five benchmarks they will receive $50. If a participant meets all five benchmarks they will receive $100. Rewards are given twice a year. Participants also receive an additional one time reward of $50 for attending either a Living Well with Chronic Conditions or Diabetes workshop. Costs: 2010, 3.9 times / vs 2012, 3.6 times / without condition.
Diabetes Rewards Program
Looking Forward Investigating the possibility of a Diabetes Prevention Program in collaboration with local YMCA leaders Awaiting NCOA’s online version of DSMP