Jeopardy Scientists & Microscopes Organelles Cell Structure Characteristics of Living Things Potluck Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200.


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Presentation transcript:

Jeopardy Scientists & Microscopes Organelles Cell Structure Characteristics of Living Things Potluck Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

$100 Question from Scientists & Microscopes The invention of the microscope made it possible to see these.

$100 Answer from M & S What are cells?

$200 Question from M & S The first person to observe what are now called bacteria

$200 Answer from M & S Who was Anton van Leeuwenhoek?

$300 Question from M & S The total magnification of a compound microscope which has an objective with magni- fication of 4X and an eyepiece with magnification of 10X

$300 Answer from M & S What is 40X?

$400 Question from M & S The sharpness of an image

$400 Answer from M & S What is resolution?

$500 Question from M & S This bends light to make an object appear larger

$500 Answer from M & S What is a convex lens?

$100 Question from Organelles This organelle is responsible for coordinating the cell activities and reproduction; sometimes called the brain of the cell

$100 Answer from Organelles What is the nucleus?

$200 Question from Organelles This organelle produces most of the energy needed by the cell; sometimes called the powerhouse of the cell

$200 Answer from Organelles What are mitochondria?

$300 Question from Organelles This organelle produces protein in the cell

$300 Answer from Organelles What are ribosomes?

$400 Question from Organelles This organelle releases chemicals to break down large food particles

$400 Answer from Organelles What are lysosomes?

$500 Question from Organelles This organelle is found in plant and animal cells, as well as bacterial cells

$500 Answer from Organelles What are ribosomes?

$100 Question from Cell Structure This structure controls what enters and leaves the cell

$100 Answer from Cell Structure What is the cell membrane?

$200 Question from Cell Structure This structure found in plant cells protects and supports the cell

$200 Answer from Cell Structure What is the cell wall?

$300 Question from Cell Structure This structure is found in plant and animal cells, but not in bacterial cells

$300 Answer from Cell Structure What is a nucleus?

$400 Question from Cell Structure These cells are found only in multi-cellular organisms and are often quite different from one another

$400 Answer from Cell Structure What are specialized cells?

$500 Question from Cell Structure Thin strands of genetic material that direct the function of the cell

$500 Answer from Cell Structure What is chromatin?

$100 Question from Characteristics of Living Things The source of energy for most autotrophs

$100 Answer from Characteristics of Living Things What is the sun?

$200 Question from Characteristics of Living Things The most abundant chemical found in living things, one necessary for all living things to survive

$200 Answer from Characteristics of Living Things What is water?

$300 Question from Characteristics of Living Things The experiment of Redi and Pasteur helped to demonstrate this mistaken idea that living things arise from living sources

$300 Answer from Characteristics of Living Things What is spontaneous generation?

$400 Question from Characteristics of Living Things A tipped over plant begins to grow toward the light, making the light _________ and the growth direction_________

$400 Answer from Characteristics of Living Things What are stimulus and response?

$500 Question from Characteristics of Living Things Of the following characteristics, cellular organization, using energy, movement, and repro- duction, the one NOT a character- istic shared by all living things

$500 Answer from Characteristics of Living Things What is movement?

$100 Question from Potluck An organisms ability to keep stable internal conditions

$100 Answer from Potluck What is homeostasis?

$200 Question from Potluck This gas was not a part of Earths atmosphere 3.6 billion years ago

$200 Answer from Potluck What is oxygen?

$300 Question from Potluck Scientists hypothesize this about the first life forms on Earth

$300 Answer from Potluck What is They did not need oxygen?

$400 Question from Potluck The scientists Urey & Miller recreated this in a flask

$400 Answer from Potluck What are the conditions of early earth?

$500 Question from Potluck To survive on earth, the first cells needed this ability

$500 Answer from Potluck What is using chemicals in their surroundings for energy?

Final Jeopardy List the 3 parts of the cell theory in the correct order.

Final Jeopardy Answer 1. All living things are composed of cells. 2. Cells are the basic unit of structure and function in living things. 3. Cells are produced by other cells.