NEYNL WDC “Implementing a VLE:reality,challenges and benefits” Angie Clarke, Knowledge Manager, NEYNL WDC NEYNL MLE: (please contact us for a guest account)
Agenda Background to the NEYNL Project ( ) NEYNL MLE overview Next Steps Key messages Discussion and recommendations
Background (2002) E-Learning steering group formed Consultation on strategic priorities and methods of delivery with e-learning Draft e-learning strategy developed
Background (2003 ) Consultation on strategic priorities and methods of delivery with e-learning Knowledge services Manager appointed Options appraisal on the strategy –externally hosted VLE for2/3 years e-learning PID was developed Launch event to identify first wave adopters 3 ELCS, resources manager and web developer appointed
Background (2003) continued “Train the trainer” course developed with Hull University OBS document developed October 2003 Elearning readiness toolkit issued to first wave adopters Tender document issued to prospective suppliers
Background 2004 Supplier presentations held in Jan Contract agreed with Teknical – March First course on training the trainers held (Jan – March) Research project to capture the experience of learners, on the above course, implemented by Universities of York and Hull April - work commenced on design of site
Background 2004 E-learning packages were identified by toolkit – including the following: Infection control, Child Protection, Fire Safety, Moving and Handling, Health and Safety and Diversity Launch event held in April First rollout in August for pilot group July - Development of site to meet accessibility requirements Further development of eLearning packages including 3rd Party products
Background 2004 Development to ensure the site meets NEYNL requirements Second “train the trainers course” held online on NEYNL MLE September - Revised e-learning strategy group and first meeting held Partnership agreement developed with NHSU
The E-learning portal – public facing website
Individualised Menu Partitioned site HER Individual learner activity The E-learning portal – secure area Partitioned site - HER
Content Delivery
Tracking -Time and assessment
Tracking - Assessment
Content Authoring
Tagging Resources
Content Repository
Community of Practice
Next steps 2005 Developing further local operational groups to identify Trust priorities - to be fed through to Quality and content group Agreeing on SHA Strategic priorities in the e- learning steering group Forming Quality and Content Group to agree programme developments against strategic priorities Produce materials and roll out to early adopters
Planned developments Link MLE to e-KSF tool Initiate a Training Management System which works with both online and offline training Link MLE to Electronic staff record Develop the E-Learning Club model
Key Messages Need an umbrella strategy for the SHA that envelops lifelong learning Need dedicated personnel Have realistic timelines and a project plan! Work with national initiatives, external agencies higher education, private sector – saves time ! Identify key target audiences and engage with them Maintain consistent communications and publicity
Discussion Building on from the presentation you have seen, which is based on one SHA’s experience of implementing a VLE, what do you think the main issues would be for the implementation of a possible national system using the following Option headings with a SWOT format for each Option: A. Ask NILSI to negotiate to buy a VLE for the whole of the NHS – 10 mins B. Ask NILSI to encourage and support organisations to buy their own VLEs – 10 mins C. Ask NILSI to support the development of e-learning content not VLEs – 10 mins