VIVA ILL – Where We Were
Obstacles Identified (2000) Communication Guidelines / Procedures Technology Training
Obstacle: Communication Need central way to share information between libraries Institutions are unaware of other institutions’ procedures and policies Some library directors unaware of ILL issues / VIVA commitments Need to take full advantage of electronic methods at our disposal
Obstacle: Guidelines / Procedures Review Guidelines annually Track turnaround times for the filling of requests to evaluate how well the 48 hour standard is being met, and to determine what steps need to be taken to improve service Encourage all VIVA members to meet ILL guidelines & procedures
Obstacle: Technology Union listing Up-to-date Available to other VIVA libraries Standardization of software Install Ariel software purchased by VIVA Need training for staff Load leveling OCLC statistics available on website Analysis of/response to trends in borrowing and lending
Obstacle: Training Develop training opportunities, either at annual meeting, regional meetings, or individualized instruction Develop a group of “experts” who will be willing to serve as trainers and/or mentors
VIVA ILL Annual Forum Hold in central location for easy access Both public and private attendance funded by VIVA Allow discussion between practitioners Incorporate training into the program
ILL Subcommittee of RSC Mission: To facilitate the training and informational needs of ILL practitioners and administrators at all VIVA institutions. To plan, arrange, and organize the annual VIVA ILL Community Forum. To encourage communication around the state using the VIVAILL-L listserv. To periodically review and update the VIVA ILL Guidelines.
Where Are We Going?